silentscream Search

Friday, December 31, 2004

Over, over, over time !

Work was supposed to be half a day today but the boss said that we might need to stay until maybe 3 or so, considering the crowds we had yesterday. And today being the last day and all, with them enjoying the delicious 300 bucks off the fees. Monday would signal another ballgame altogether.

So Cheryl and I stayed until 8 pm ! Talk about a little extra OT hours. I mean seriously, aside from Heman, no one stayed as late as we did tonight. Well, Heman left at like 7, me thinks. So it was just us. Finally I finished all the pending SP application cases, many thanks to Cheryl's help. I don't know why she decided to stay on and help me. Bless her heart, anyways !

Just reached home an hour ago. Gonna read some and then probably pass out in front of the telly. Oh, last day of Ch i broadcast. Feeling down. Where am I gonna catch all the C and B grades movies that never will make it to the big screens ? I'm so gonna miss the channel surfing. Where is the fun of switching channels when I can't view channel 21 ? *sighs*

'Bye i. Sure as hell gonna miss ya ...

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Quiet day

Busy day in the office but quiet. As in my inner thoughts shuts up for probably 2 seconds in my life. Teachers came for the meeting, suddenly it dawned on me how near we are to the end of the year. Before I realised it, another 365 days had passed me by. Feeling a little retrospective. Who wouldn't ?

Met the replacement. Let's just say I can see "not staying long" written all over her expression and body language. Guess I am a little jealous. Well, I had been the first one ever, so I kind of liked the feeling that I managed to hang on for 3 years. And that I might not be so replaceable afterall.

Had to break a meet up with Chloe. Got caught up at work again ! What else is new, eh ?

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Had a quickie lunch. Yeah I had rice and I did chew the food well, just that I am spending lunch break by my lonesome self in my prep room. Soon to be ex-prep room. Feeling kinda sad because this is the place where a number of incidents had happened. Good and bad. All memories now. All the quiet lunches, the blasting of music from my favourite radio station, the fury of the rain lashing on the window panes. The chaosness of lab sessions, the outpourings of grief of students, general feedback from teachers. Will miss them all. Goodbye vast room ...

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

4/5 meet up

First things first, did I even bothered to attend the meet up ? Yes.

Was the meeting place accessible ? Yes.

Was the food good ? Come on ! It's Swensen's ! But I didn't eat, just had a cuppa.

Did I had a good time ? Yeah, it was nice to meet up some old 'mates.

Is Adnan gorgeous ? Hell yeah !


Monday, December 27, 2004

Airhead alert

People reading my blog page for the previous 2 entries might think I am a complete airhead without a compassionate bone in my body. Just to clear the air of any heads, here it goes.

Now, can you please get back to MY life ?

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Super Trouper

I grew to love this song after watching the music vid. Agnetha was doing a disco-sy pointing thing ala John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever when they sing the title track. Such a happy song, rythmn wise that is. Really cheesy disco lights but really cheerful song.

So come on now, "Tonight the super trouper lights are gonna find you ...." (Sings in a falsetto voice)

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

Venus . . . . . The Bull
Taurus Gemstone: Emerald
April Birthstone: Diamond
May Birthstone: Emerald
Flowers: Lily, Lilac
Lucky star: Venus
Lucky day: Friday
Lucky color: Green
Lucky numbers: 3, 9

You are strong, persistent, and patient, harboring a fierce loyalty towards those you love most. (True !) You dedicated a good deal of time to family and are constant in most relationships. (Again, true !) Although you have a tendency to become set in your own ways, you learn from every experience and never stray from a task you have started until you finish it. (Ummmm ....) Taureans often become teachers and leaders in business because they are naturals at providing guidance and creating order. (NO !!!) Because of their warm-hearted nature, they are successful in marriage and have a particular fondness for children. (Awwwww ... You believe that ?) Taureans are avid athletes and enjoy spending time outdoors. (NO WAY !!!!)

HAPPY BOX-ING DAY, ya'll !!!!

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Happy Holidays ...

... To one and all. Be you a celebrant or otherwise. Merry wishes and best regards to everyone on this fine Saturday 'noon !

Friday, December 24, 2004

Shiok Pot

Yeah, the title theme of our Christmas lunch do. It's actually a potluck thing but more shiok ! I asked Mother to make Mutton Korma and Achar Pachri. The response was great for Mom's cooking.

Then there was the gift exchange thing. I received a named keychain from Mommy E and a pair of toe socks and a stuffed fat orange striped cat named Prudence from Mother C ! Emily came to the lunch do and she brought my books ! The books I ordered on Amazon !

Har ! I can't wait to start reading them !!

Oh, and both Mr Goh and Heman "offloaded" their gifts to me ! So I had an extra cutlery set and x-mas lights ! Sweet fellas !

Sunday, December 19, 2004

The aftermath

*thump* *thump* *thump*

Goes Prodigy. Just revisiting some of my favourite CDs. And The Fat of the Land is one of them. Hence the thumpings. Shiok babeeee !

*thump* *thump* *thump*

Thursday, December 16, 2004


I have been leaving work later and later. When I reached home, I have just enough time for a shower and a quick dinner. I have no time to read the papers but thankfully I managed an hour to watch CSI the other day and finish up a couple of books. I am socially inept.

I need to change my blog template, right ?

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Book trippin'

I went nuts at the library ! I found a couple of books that I wanted to read so. One of them is Sandra Brown's Hello Darkness. From the blurb alone, I knew I am in for one exciting, thrilling read ! I can't wait to start on it. Anyways, I'd better read as much as I could before my Lab Skills module begins. I'd be clawing for breathing space otherwise !

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Socialisin' part deux

I went out with another set of friends from work. This time, instead of a movie (oh, btw, the other night when I wanted to watch The Incredibles, the tix were selling out fast so my work friends and I decided to catch Bridget Jones instead. Was it good ? Well, dinner was great, the 3 of us shared the stuffed spinach and cheese pasta and veg pizza at Pastamania. Movie was debatable (plus point was of course the Colin Firth factor). The company was of course excellent !!), this time we just had dinner and something.

Initially the plan was to go to Hard Rock's so even though I can't eat most of the food there, I could probably have desserts. Instead, we ended up at Harry's @ The Esplanade. Seriously mans, half way through their dinner, I regretted my decision to go. The company was not too bad but certain cliques and inside jokes have been formed and mainly the conversation was done in Channel 8. Half the time I sat there wondering what I could do if I had left for home on time.

I am so disappointed but I guess with Auntie Rosie's visit coming soon, I might have just been hormonal. Anyways, the event is over and there is no point crying over my "lost" 3 hours !

Which Emoticon Are You?

The emoticon that represents you best is the Smiling Face

What's up, smiley? Somehow you just always seem to find a way to turn that frown upside down. Your upbeat attitude and friendly demeanor brighten up any room, including your favorite chat room.

Like your classic emoticon counterpart, you're a staple on anyone's list. Boring days and sleepless nights are far more bearable when you're online to chat. Whether you're shooting the breeze, catching up, or giving out advice, you can cheer up anyone on the other side of the conversation. So keep lightening the mood, making new friends, and bringing smiles to other folks' faces. After all, it's just so natural for you!

Monday, December 06, 2004

Another Monday

Another week begins. Another drudgery day. Another reason to smile. Another burr to pick out from ...


Sunday, December 05, 2004

It's a boy !

Third time aunt !

As we speak now, my elder sister is waiting for the ambulance to arrive and pick her up. Her water bag just burst and my mom is angry with her for not checking in to the hospital earlier. Her expected due date is today and I don't wonder why Mother is pissed ! So anyways, I am going to be aunt for the third time !

I hope the delivery goes well and I hope it's another girl !


Friday, December 03, 2004

Caught it ...

Harhar ....

I caught something I didn't want to, at least not this month. No, it's nothing serious. Just the usual case of the influenza bug. *sobs*

I was adamant in writing about the wonderful day I had today while I was bathing just now. Not anymore though. Now, I just want to hit the sack. I need to get up early so I won't be late for work again. Well, I hope I could even wake up when my alarms go off at 5.25 and 5.41 am. Wake up to turn them off only.

I'm sniffling.

Not a good sign. Not good at all.

Thursday, December 02, 2004


Wahey ! Man U's through to the semifinals of the Carling Cup. Man U's second string side beat Arsenal's second string side by a goal from David Bellion. So there.

Taufik's crowned the first ever Singapore Idol. I must say I was pretty surprised that he managed to edge out "Stallone" ! I was rooting for Taufik but my gut was telling me that Sly would be the runaway winner. Boy, am I glad that my gut instincts sucked last night !

I am watching "The Incredibles" after work tonight. I heard good reviews of the movie/cartoon so I MUST watch it !

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Dick's medley

That was the best part of the Singapore Idol Final show. It showed his versatility with his compositions and best of all, the extra publicity for his upcoming show at Kallang Theatre middle of next month. Will I go ? Are cows black and white ? So at this moment, I am recruiting people to watch Dick's show. Who can ever resist life.stories ?

Late for work

I was late for 20 minutes ! Just because the main feeder service came 2 minutes later than usual. And I missed my usual 10 minutes to 8 am bus service to work and as a result I am 20 freaking minutes late ! See the chain of events ?

So anyways, it's Elaine's birthday ! Happy 2~ birthday dear ! I know you're still in Egypt at this moment so I know you'll be having loads of fun !

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Was that intentional ?

I was violated on the bus ride home yesterday. I glared and clenched my fists to indicate I won't take it lying down. I squirmed and squeezed myself to break any of the contact. I felt icky and disgusted. Was it my fault ? Was I tempting him to touch me ? Yes it was not visible, at least not to the rest of the bus commuters but you would surely know when that elbow was not "accidentally" digging into your sides. I felt so angry ! And the fucking asshole still has the cheek to try to touch the side of my thigh with his pinkie. Did I forgot that I had put up a sign that said, Grope for Free ???? Sick bastard ! I hope his finger rots and die. I hope he rots and die. I hope he dies. I really hope he dies.

Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves by Cher

I was born in the wagon of a travellin' show
My mama used to dance for the money they'd throw
Papa would do whatever he could
Preach a little gospel, sell a couple bottles of Doctor Good

Gypsies, tramps and thieves
We'd hear it from the people of the town
They'd call us gypsies, tramps and thieves
But every night all the men would come around
And lay their money down

Picked up a boy just south of Mobile
Gave him a ride, filled him with a hot meal
I was sixteen, he was twenty-one
Rode with us to Memphis
And papa woulda shot him if he knew what he'd done


I never had schoolin' but he taught me well
With his smooth southern style
Three months later I'm a gal in trouble
And I haven't seen him for a while, uh-huh
I haven't seen him for a while, uh-huh

She was born in the wagon of a travellin' show
Her mama had to dance for the money they'd throw
Grandpa'd do whatever he could
Preach a little gospel, sell a couple bottles of Doctor Good

CHORUS until fades

Monday, November 29, 2004

"Bang" goes the arm with the door knob

I am nursing a bruise on my right arm. I am suffering a sore muscle on my left arm. Reasons ? I banged my right arm on the doorknob 10 minutes ago and the flu jab just 2 days ago ! Sucks to be my arms this morning !

Remember the 3 Linda Francis Lee books I mentioned, oh not so long ago ? I bought them ! Yeah on ! I made a total of 2 Sing bucks savings per book ! My ex-colleague will be bringing the books down when she comes back for her X-mas hols in SG ! *hurrah*

So how was your weekend ?

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Pissed off

I'd typed an entry earlier this afternoon. Then the stupid webpage couldn't load. F**k ! It was a good entry, if I must say so ! What a disappointment ! My thoughts lost somewhere in the great space of the internet. I am pissed off now so I shan't write much !


Sunday, November 21, 2004

Are You Evil?

Good -----------------------|-------------- Evil

Well, you're kinda evil. They haven't reserved a place for you in Hell yet, but the leasing agents are starting their calls. (Sorry, no air conditioning.) We're guessing you find others' pain funny, your backstabbing knife is probably pretty sharp, and your sexual wiles have likely brought you enjoyment at the expense of your bunkmates a time or two. If more than one of those three things rings true, consider yourself a card-carrying evil person. If you're interested in recanting the evil thing, sensitivity counseling isn't a bad idea. Or else find a more sadistic career, like a bouncer or a metermaid. But hey, to each his own, and if your evilness fits, wear it. Keep reading for more evil details!

Who's Your OC Crush?

Helena, your OC crush is Seth

Dorky? Maybe. Loveable? Totally! What's not to love about this cutie? A smarty like you looks beneath the surface, and that's why only a brainy hottie like Seth will do as your OC crush.

Sensible and responsible, you've got a good head on your shoulders, and you use it. Maybe you've been called wise for your years. Many famous folks were ahead of their times in high school, and you'll probably be one of them. So keep doing things in your own unique style. You're well on your way to great things. And it might be even better if you have an equally-awesome crush to have fun with along the way!

What's Your True Color?

Helena, your true color is Green!

You're green, the color of growth and vigor. Good-hearted and giving, you have a knack for finding and bringing out the best in people. Green is the most down-to-earth color in the spectrum — reliable and trustworthy. People know they can count on you to be around in times of need, since your concern for people is genuine and sincere. You take pride in being a good friend. For you, success is measured in terms of personal achievement and growth, not by status or position. Rare as emeralds, greens are wonderful, natural people. It truly is your color!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I Just Fall In Love Again by The Carpenters

(This song is really about my present state of mind. I know I shouldn't but I think I'm in love with him. And it breaks my heart to not being able to say his name or to even acknowledge my feelings for him. Cheers ! Hope no one's feeling like I do now.)

Dreamin', I must be dreamin'
Or am I really lyin' here with you
Baby you take me in your arms
And though I'm wide awake
I know my dream is comin' true

*And, oh, I just fall in love again
Just one touch and then it happens every time
And there I go I just fall in love again, and when I do
Can't help myself, I fall in love with you

Magic, it must be magic
The way I hold you and the night just seems to fly
Easy, for you to take me to a star
Heaven is that moment when I look into your eyes

Repeat * twice

Can't help myself I fall in love with you


Yes, it's blasphemy but have u seen him in his English Godliness ? I fell in lust with him after watching the 1995 BBC production of Pride and Prejudice. Then there is Love Actually. *swoons*

I am a fat cow !

If I say I hated my life, would anyone doubt it ? I am nothing but a silly, frustrated little twit. I thought I had friends, well ... Wishful thinking. What do you want me to do ? Kneel and grovel for the tiniest bit of attention ? You know who you are, bitch. Here's to me and my ineptness in this lifetime. Bitchass life, full of sucky morons !

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Angel power

Cameron Diaz is A goddess !!! They made no mistake when she was cast as an angel of Charlie's ! *sweeeeeeet*

Another public holiday

I hate this day. I hate the fakeness of the festivities. Everyone pretending that we are a normal family. We are not ! I hate the enforced goodwill I have to show when all I want to say is, "Get out of my farken house !" Why can't everyone just leave me well alone ? I don't want to socialise. I don't have the need to socialise. I don't see the need to. Most of all I hate all the pretense. Everyone with their own agendas and hidden motives.

If I can move without breaking hearts, I would have done it ages ago. As it is, in this society where I live, the only time when we break away from the nests is when we marry. A silly reason for independence because when you marry, you're not being independent. You are merely transferring your dependence from your parents to your spouse. Buying a decent flat here, you would have to be at least 35 years old, if you're single. I still have another decade to go. Tell me, should I just stay in cloistered away in my room ?

Friday, November 12, 2004


I cancelled my leave for today. Bummer, I know. Mother was so disappointed. And so was I. All those books I've yet to read, which I was planning to finish off during this "winter" break. *sighs*

No matter, I have plenty of work to do today. Considering I will be away the whole of next week. So I must write what I need to and make haste.

Tomorrow is my school Open House Day and I am kinda excited for it. I hope loads of people will turn up. Just mill about and add on to the atmosphere. They have to ! Especially after our back-breaking stint at Wheelock Place last weekend. Did any of you guys see us there ? Didn't come and say "Hello", didja ? Hmmm.... So if anyone's interested, just come down to my school tomorrow. Bet you there will be loads of music, food and old farts. Ugh ... I mean, ish ... What exactly did I mean ? Oh wells, forget it. Go and prepare for the extended weekend. Have fun you guys.

My results are out today. Kav, thanks so much for the heads up but I will not check them until after Sunday. When I can be surly and hole up in my room to 1) read, 2) watch movies, 3) surf or 4) play MM2. Or do all of them.

Cheerio !

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

So long ya'll ....

I'm going on my long holiday, officially beginning at the end of today. I applied for leave for this Friday and also for next Wednesday to Friday. I only needed to come in on Saturdays ! This week and the next. I should perhaps go for a short holiday in lieu of the leave days I'd taken, eh ? Anyways, this is going to be a short one. I need to haul ass to the General Office. Loads of clearing up to do if I want to have ease of mind on my off days !

Monday, November 08, 2004

Pool !

I had taken 3 hours time off today. Eileen was on full day leave today. So after my shift ended, Mommy (i.e. Eileen) suggested we play pool at this place she discovered. The same building where she always takes her kid to Tumble Tots. So the two of us, excited as bouncing babies, decided to meet up and shoot some balls.

Met Mommy at the Ten Mile Junction bus stop and we went cruising in her MPV. She parked the vehicle and we then made the short walk to the home ground of the Warriors of the S-League. Climbed the 365 steps (okay, okay a slight exaggeration ...) to the top and walked a few metres in.

Tumble Tots, closed. Sportslink, closed. Entrance of stadium, closed. And who should have guessed ? Pool place ? Yep. Closed ! Mans, the disappointment !

So anyways, we made plans to come back on one of the Saturdays after work and fill the pockets. Yeah. The two amateur players gonna try to cue some coloured, smooth, shiny balls in 'em pockets ! For a buck per game, it's a bargain, mans !

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Fever, hot, hot fever

I've just watched Fahrenheit 9/11. Towards the end of the movie, I was thinking, why did the American people still vote for George W. Bush ? Okay, so we should not be based the re-election business with the 2 events featured in the movie. But please justify the lack of attack on Al-Qaeda and the major attacks on Iraq.

I guess I am most affected by this because of the senseless deaths of people who are the innocent bystanders of war. War is undeniable because, according to one smart person I knew, as long as the world is made up of more than 1 person, war is inevitable.

I wept for all the wasted lives of all the people involved in the fighting. Unnecessary fighting, might I add.

All in all I like this movie because it makes you question the propaganda. Is there really truth in all you hear and see ?

Thursday, November 04, 2004

80's revisited

Did I ever tell you I love the 80's music scene ? I DO !!!!! (Sorry, I am trying very hard to contain my exuberance)

I realised that Eswari had plenty of 80's groovy bands. She has Depeche Mode (everyone scream !), Culture Club (louder !), Abba (waaaaah ....), among others in her vast collection of CDs ! I can't wait to add them to my own collection !

Oh, btw Roz ... I promised you Carpenters and I didn't deliver ... Will get right down to it, that is if you still want it. Sorry, babe !

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Up like a light

I slept early last night. Early like, 9 pm early. Someone had even commented that I am hopeless just like 'em British babies. I asked why (though I was secretly pleased to be compared to babies. You know 'em cute, cuddly creatures. Just like that big, blue bunny with lush lashes !) and he said, we share the same bedtime. Saddo, or what ? But. I woke up with a start quarter to midnight. And stayed up until now (Oh, I was a little disappointed that I had missed CSI ! =()

A couple of reasons I just couldn't go back to sleep. And no, drugs OR caffeine were not the root cause. My non-conventional "drug" was one of my current reads. Yes, the book given the top most position on the right column. And no, I didn't rank them officially but unofficially, the book right at the top ? Is the one I just could not put down.

If I do not have to go to work, I would have finished it by now. And gone back to sleep, of course. I need to make up for lost time. So right after work, I am jumping straight into bed. Cosying up with that book of course !

Oh, the other reason (not so much reason as an excuse(!)) was because I did not want to miss my morning meal again today !

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The winner takes it all

I didn't wake up for my morning meal today. Last meal I had last night was mee soto. I believe I can last the fast for today. It all boils down to mental strength. If the Subaru Impreza WRX Challenge constestants can tahan putting their palms on the cars for over 67 hours under the rain and shine, without sleep, dealing with a couple of 5 minutes break, I can also "ren".

Mental fortitude and faith are the key words !

What kind of Disease are you?

What kind of disease are you?


Helena is caused by Satan.

Helena creates a dire fear of cute lil' puppies in those infected by it.
To cure Helena, write bad goth poetry.

Scary pixelated picture. I am totally shivering in my cute socks !

Who Should You Vote?

You Should Vote For Kerry

John Kerry

Though You'd Rather Vote for Michael Moore

What Kind of Blogger Are You?

You Are a Snarky Blogger!

You've got a razor sharp wit that bloggers are secretly scared of.
And that's why they read your posts as often as they can!

Monday, November 01, 2004

Can we make pasta ? Please ?

So I sit here, thinking what should I write about on this glorious morning. I had written a couple of lines earlier on but the words sounded sappy and self absorbed. And sad. I figured, there is only so much sadness you can share with other people, the rest as they say, "belongs to you and only you".

A couple of teachers I took the school bus with this morning stated they had a good, restful weekend. It sort of made me think.

Did I have a good weekend ? Was what I did "good" for me ?? What then constitutes a good weekend ??? Spending precious time with family ? Having a great shopping trip ? Catching that good movie with fiends whom you hardly meet ? Reading and finishing that excellent book ? Picnic by the east coast ? Hot date ? What ????

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Superfluous (... what ?) day

I am in the mood. To spend money. And I know what is the root of all this. I'm due in a week of my monthly visits from Auntie Rosie. Everytime she decides to visit me, a week before the actual visit, I am infused with this influx of hormonal changes.

Take yesterday for example. We had the "Goodbye/Going away" lunch do for Mrs M. And I was as high as a kite. I was really cheery / happy / NOT grumpy !!! I credited that mood to the cuppa I had in the morning. Although I was not a happy camper when I found out dear Mother made that cuppa for me. See what I mean ?

Today I was basically swamped with immigration matters. Thank goodness there is no meeting today. For the past 2 days, I left work at 6 ! Imagine the hours ! 8 am to 6 pm. And I still get paid peanut sauce ! (Hey ! Someone pass me those sticks of satay, please !)

Anyways, gonna have a short shut eye before I go back to the battleground !

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Someone gave feedback

I was told earlier this morning that my blog was not updated enough. So I told the person that I update it almost every day. The person retorted I don't have anything about my life. So I quipped that I am nothing therefore there is nothing to write. And then I realised something. Hey I am something (someone) ! I have damn something to write about !

Now let's see what shall I write.

*tap* ........ *tap* ........

*blink* ........ *blink* ........


*eyes rolling*

Dammit ! I have nothing to write !!! Now I gotta pre-Q from all that whistling !

I WILL write something. I know I have to !


Monday, October 25, 2004

Monday, Monday ....

Another work week has peeped through. Is there any reprieve aside from the weekends ? But anyways, it's pay day today. Something to look forward to.

*Yay !*

Full Time

Manchester United 2-0 Arsenal (losers !) !!!!

We kicked some good ass today ! Goals from Ruud van Nistelrooy and Wayne Rooney.

Damn ... this really made my week !

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Half Time

United 0-0 Arsenal.

Too much fire and not enough football as tempers flare.
(From Match Tracker)

The Red Devils vs The Gunners

I am sitting in front of the PC waiting for what was touted as the biggest game of this EPL season.


It's Manchester United versus Arsenal. One who's going in with not much hope of winning and the other going in as the shoo-in 3 points taker. But I am ready for an upset. Upset for those cocky, arrogant idiots who call themselves the Gunners' fans. Lick our boots, losers !

p/s: I'm sure you know which team I am rooting for !

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Early morning reads

I'm already at work since half hour ago. But I am in my prep room instead of the GO. I bet you my last dollar, when I eventually go over to GO, my boss's face will be very long.


He will think I was late. As usual, he will show me his pissed off face. But the fact remains that I don't have the key to the stupid office ! I don't know exactly what it is but I don't feel welcomed by him. Granted my move over is imminent and I know I won't be as close to him as the previous girl. But I usually don't pally with my bosses ! What is the point ? You do your job and at the end of the day, you leave work with a clear conscience. Not with politics, licking your bosses' rear ends or causing too much inefficiency. Sh*t.

I think I have enough of this place. As of now, I am actively looking for another job. Any lubangs, you guys ?

Friday, October 22, 2004

Swearing at work

Dear Employees:

It has been brought to management's attention that some individuals throughout the company have been using foul language during the course of normal conversation with their co-workers. Due to complaints received from some employees who may be easily offended, this type of language will no longer be tolerated.

We do however, realize the critical importance of being able to accurately express your feelings when communicating with co-workers. Therefore, a list of 18 New and Innovative "TRY SAYING" phrases has been provided so that proper exchange of ideas and information can continue in an effective manner.

I think you could use more training.

You don't know what the f*** you're doing.

She's an aggressive go-getter.

She's a ball-busting b**ch.

Perhaps I can work late.

And when the f*** do you expect me to do this?

I'm certain that isn't feasible.

No f*****g way.


You've got to be sh***ing me!

Perhaps you should check with...

Tell someone who gives a sh**.

I wasn't involved in the project.

It's not my f*****g problem.

That's interesting.

What the f***?

I'm not sure this can be implemented.

This sh** won't work.

I'll try to schedule that.

Why the h*** didn't you tell me sooner?

He's not familiar with the issues.

He's got his head up his a**.

Excuse me, sir?

Eat sh** and die.

So you weren't happy with it?

Kiss my a**.

I'm a bit overloaded at the moment.

F*** it, I'm on salary.

I don't think you understand.

Shove it up your a**.

I love a challenge.

This job sucks.

You want me to take care of that?

Who the h*** died and made you boss?

He's somewhat insensitive.

He's a pr*ck.

Thank You
Human Resources

Morning after

I am so stoned ! The work in the GO is taking its toll on me. Then I realised something. I did not take any breaks yesterday ! Life's a bitch and then we die.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

3 Gorgeous Covers (!!!)

Below are the books I'm aiming to get. Just for the covers !

Line them all up and ....

New Way To Up Sexual Desire ?

A new study has found that women's sexual desire is heightened if they are near breast-feeding mothers.
Researchers say these women are turned on by a chemical odour from the mothers, and possibly their infants.
Scientists think the substance could be a pheromone that evolved to stimulate reproduction at the right time.
The pheromone would have helped encourage other women to reproduce when circumstances were good.
Pheromones are chemical signals picked up by the nose, but not detected as smells, which affect behaviour.
The study, led by Professor Martha McClintock, from the Institute for Mind and Biology at Chicago University, found that women with partners experience a 24 per cent increase in sexual desire after two months of exposure to sweat, milk and infant saliva samples collected from breast-feeding mothers.
Women without partners experience a 17 per cent increase in sexual fantasies over the same period.

-Press Association News (UK)

Uh-oh ..... so that explains my frequent visits to ( * )( * ) sites a year ago. My elder sister was staying with me then ....

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Everybody scream ....

...... CSI 3 will be back on the small screen at 10 tonight !!!


Friday, October 15, 2004

Just a little something I picked up along the way

The Little Booger that Could

While some individuals might (mistakenly) equate the size of a country with its capabilities and general legitimacy, those of us with inside knowledge make no such mistake. In a flash of patriotic fervour, we get misty-eyes counting the ways this snot-sized island nation makes us think twice.

1. We really don't mind being one of the cleanest cities around. We get to walk down the street while admiring the clouds for more than two seconds without stepping into a pile of dog shit.

2. On this bureaucratically pristine dot we call home, "coffee money" just means 70 cents (kopi tiam) or $4 (cafe).

3. Big cars and bigger gardens may be scarce, but those who enjoy them rarely fall victim to kidnappers or drive-by shootings.

4. Hindu temples exist in Chinatown and mosques in Little India without incidence of bloodshed.

5. At hawker centers, we sometimes leave our handbags unattended - oops ! - and troop off to buy char kway teow, only to return to find them still in place.

6. Our international record-worthy feat of furnishing the squatter settlement hordes of the 1960s with proper - albeit rainbow coloured - public housing in just over one generation.

7. Singapore-made boots that save lives - seriously, Steel-soled Blast and Fragment Resistant boots invented by Andrew Vaz, formerly of the Defence Ministry, are of bullet proof material. A landmine-clearing worker in Sri Lanka escapes a blast with just a broken leg - thanks to these babies.

8. We can turn on the tap and guzzle what spurts forth without fear of contracting dysentry or cholera, despite a percentage of our water being recycled from the depths of the city sewers.

(Taken from I-S Magazine, Issue No. 226)

Thursday, October 14, 2004

La-di-da ...

"Don't say a prayer for me now, save it to the morning after." Duran Duran

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

No one can stop me if I want to die tomorrow

I am in a bit of a fix at the moment. I feel that I have so much more to offer the world at times and then there are moments when I feel the world is a much better place without me.
Met Ian on MSN, after the usual pleasantries, Ian mentioned that Eileen missed me at work. So I told him, no one really misses me anyway. I know because people (Eswari, Ruth and FM) said they missed me but they are not really missing me. Merely that my absence is out of the norm. What I mean is that people usually miss the normality of their life. Like me for instance, I miss work. I miss the normality of work. For the past 3 days, I have been able to lounge in bed longer than I usually could. I even managed afternoon naps when I know I shouldn't indulge in them. So anyways, people don't miss me. I am nothing but a plain wallpaper. Not even good enough for the kitchen, what more the living room ? Just consigned to a tiny corner in the loo. A small patch to cover the hairline cracks.
Am I sad of this fact ? Do I feel pity for myself ? Yes and no. Yes, because aside from my parents (and some days my sisters), I exist to NOT exist. No, because when I do leave, I won't break a lot of hearts. Afterall, when you were never really cared about, no one will miss you.
So I told Ian, the only reason I am trudging through the emptiness of my life is because of Mother. If she goes, then I will go too. No point in me staying on and having my heart broken everytime someone decides they don't love me anymore. I can't deal with that.
I hear my notes shrieking out my name. Best, shut them up, yeah ?

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Complement Activation

Lectin Pathway

Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) binds to foreign surface

MBL-associated proteases (MASP1 + 2) bind MBL

Generate activated C1-like complex

Activated C1-like complex cleave C4

(2 arrows forming C2a) Forms C4a and C4b

C1-like complex and C4b cleaves C2

C4b-C2b form complex (C3 convertase) [this is where classical, alternative and lectin pathway meet]

*Convertase activate C3

(2 arrows forming C3a) C3b

C3b and C4b2b forms C5 convertase

(2 arrows forming C5a) C5b

C5b bind C6 and C7

Gather C8, forms small pores

Forms pores with C9 [formation of the Membrane Attack Complex (MAC)]

*One C3 convertase can actually cleave many C3, this is thus the amplification step
Alternative Pathway

Serum factor B and Activated C3b (activated C3 will continuosly activate the complement system)


Note: C3b is inactivated by factors H and I. But the introduction of LPS and other substances protects C3b from H and I hence C3b will be activated

Activate serum factor D

Cleavage of factor B

C3bBb (stabilised by properdin) acts as a C3 convertase [this is where classical, alternative and lectin pathway meet]

*Convertase activate C3

(2 arrows forming C3a) C3b

C3b and C4b2b forms C5 convertase

(2 arrows forming C5a) C5b

C5b bind C6 and C7

Gather C8, forms small pores

Forms pores with C9 [formation of the Membrane Attack Complex (MAC)]

*One C3 convertase can actually cleave many C3, this is thus the amplification step
Classical Pathway

Activation of C1

Binding of C1 to Ab & Ag complex

C1q binds to at least 2 Fc

Conformational change (C1q)

Activates C1r and C1s (form C1 complex, bound by Ca ions)

Activated C1s cleave C4

(2 arrows forming C2a) Forms C4a and C4b

C1s and C4b cleaves C2

C4b-C2b form complex (C3 convertase) [this is where classical, alternative and lectin pathway meet]

*Convertase activate C3

(2 arrows forming C3a) C3b

C3b and C4b2b forms C5 convertase

(2 arrows forming C5a) C5b

C5b bind C6 and C7

Gather C8, forms small pores

Forms pores with C9 [formation of the Membrane Attack Complex (MAC)]

*One C3 convertase can actually cleave many C3, this is thus the amplification step

Monday, October 11, 2004

Sharing my favourite past time

I am so doomed ! I have not exactly managed to get down and dirty with Immunology. Why, oh why am I unable to resist the temptation from the dark side ? I blame Samuel ....

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Did you care ?

My last day of work today before I go on a 6 days leave. Exams a-coming so I need to focus. Yeah, right ... I'd been doing a lot of pleasure reading these past few nights. I was reading, To Be Someone by Louise Voss. I was attracted to this book because 1) the author shares the same name as an ex-teacher here, 2) the character's best friend is named Sam (!) and 3) the main character shares the same name as me ! Coincindentally the ex-teacher was also a Briton and Sam is one of my good friends ! Hehehe ... In my case, let's just say that aside from the same name, the starring issue the main character thought about has been playing a lot in my mind. To know what that is, read the book !

So anyways, I have no more reason to procrastinate. Must start revision later. Anyways, Sam came up with a proposition (?) that sounded very tempting. My first instinct was, "Yes, dammit ! I'll do it in a heartbeat !"

Gotta start work now. Oh wells, I'll probably check my email accounts first !

Thursday, October 07, 2004


Father did a very nice thing for me today. He cleaned up my room good. Yes, yes .... I am the worst in getting my room to rights. But Father was kind enough to vaccum the dust, dropped hair and other bits. Yeah, dust and hair that was left on the floor of my room for about, oh, five, six months. Father even cleared my newspapers. Papers that I buy everyday but forgo the reading and just chucked them on my mattress every morning from the bowels of my bag.

So anyways, my room looked quite decent enough now. Wonder how long it will take for it to be a wreck again ? Anyone care to open the bets ?

Monday, October 04, 2004


Hahahaha .....

When my post starts with the above, obviously the joke is always on me. Anyways, I am dead broke but I still manage to invest in a flash memory drive aka thumbdrive ! It was cheap, boy. For a 256 MB memory drive, it had only cost me 50 bucks. Yeah, 50 Sing bucks ! So now I have to cash in on my NSS allotment to be able to pay for my next semester's fees. No matter, as long as I'm happy !

I am planning to get books too. Hmmm ..... I am already aiming for The Mists of Avalon, the miniseries which I managed to catch yesterday at 4 pm. It was the second hour of the 2 part 4 hours made for tv miniseries ! Anyways, knowing me, I quickly yahoo-ed it and there is so much comments and reviews of the movie and book ! Piqued my interest and so I am soooooo getting the book. After I finished watching the series that is.

Another series of books I am planning to get is by Linda Francis Lee. A trilogy, and the cover of each book, oh boy ! You should goggle-ed for the new series. Damn nice covers and so I just gotta have them !

Guess I better end here. Need to get my beauty sleep. Work has been super draining ! Seriously, it's never easy trying to dabble in something new. As always, I really hope I am not screwing my future up by this decision I'd made.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

A loud shout out to .....

...... a birthday boy today !

Yowz babe, you know I didn't forget. You know I can't forget. The day you claimed to be your birthday ! Happy Birthday !!!! May all your wildest, wackiest dreams come true. And may all your Birthday (good) luck pass on to me for my exams ! *winks*



That is a pretty major emotion for me. Most of the time I am able to cope with this feeling when it decides to pay me a visit. But not this time round. I feel even worse because it will lead to a friend being maligned and tarnished reputation.

Life is shit, that way. Now I need to get my butt off my chair and get ready for work.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

If you don't see me again would you cry ?

It's been pretty quiet on the "friends" front. And I do not mean the defunct tv series. Yes, I do see the usual crowd online, people like Sam, Chloe, Elaine, Kav. But. Notice the other missing names ? Right. So I brought it up. Sorry, but you have to pardon me for being a little hung up over this fact. Come on, 10 years is not nothing ! But screw it lah (Singlish !).

Anyways, major things are brewing up on the work front. I might have to leave my comfortable place here sooner than I thought. I have not spoken it to anybody, except for the people at work (they know and they were totally agreeable on the idea) and Kav and Chloe. The rest ? What rest ? I'll tell Mother in due time.

Exams in 2 weeks. Yeah. 14 days, feeling the irritable stress syndrome. Yup, catch me at the wrong time and I will be bitchy.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Confirmed Buffy TVS fan

I just caught the season ender of BTVS on video. So very sad ! Spike sacrificed himself for the sake of humanity ! And Anya died too. Seemed like the demons turned good guys had something in common. Ultimately when The First was annihilated, so will they. *sobs*

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Gift buying time

Okay here's my situation. I need to get 3 gifts. 2 are for people who are leaving my workplace and 1 is for someone who gave me some T-shirts. No make that about 13 pieces of topwear to be exact ! Cheryl (bless her kind soul) asked me yesterday for my T-shirt size and that if I wanted some black T-shirts which were never worn before. I thought, yeah fine, no harm done, I could do with more T-shirts for work. And today she brought one paper bag full of T-shirts ! I was flabbergasted ! I had thought she'd give like 2 or 3 pieces but 1 whole paper bag ? Like wow ! I really need to show her my appreciation and thanks ! Otherwise my mother would wallop me !

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

FW: Women over 30

Cheers to all you women over 30 (especially if you've just turned 30 =)), for those who aren't yet, this something to look forward to.

This was written by Andy Rooney from CBS 60 Minutes Andy Rooney says:

As I grow in age, I value women who are over 30 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why: A woman over 30 will never wake you in the middle of the night to ask, "What are you thinking?" She doesn't care what you think.

If a woman over 30 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do. And, it's usually something more interesting.

A woman over 30 knows herself well enough to be assured in who she is,what she is, what she wants and from whom. Few women past the age of 30 give a damn what you might think about her or what she's doing.

Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant.
Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it. Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated.

A woman over 30 has the self-assurance to introduce you to her women friends. A younger woman with a man will often ignore even her best friend because she doesn't trust the guy with other women. Women over 30 couldn't care less if you're attracted to her friends because she knows her friends won't betray her.

Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 30. They always know.

A woman over 30 looks good wearing bright red lipstick. This is not true of younger women or drag queens. Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over! A woman over 30 is far sexier than her younger counterpart. Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off if you are a jerk if you are acting like one! You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her.

Yes, we praise women over 30 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed hot woman of 30s, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year-old waitress.

Ladies, I apologize.
Andy Rooney

For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk or free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

I miss Chris & Rita

You know what ? I realised how much I missed watching Chris and Rita bantering on the gogglebox. Granted the show's been axed so many years ago and that the main tv channel here had stopped airing the show oh, 5 or 6 years ago even though it did not cover the entire series. As so many fans of Silk Stalkings attested, the show is so different without the chemistry of Chris & Rita. This reminiscing started when I was thinking about the other shows whose leads connected so well. One that comes to mind currently is between Luke and Lorelai of Gilmore Girls. I caught today's episode and it was a prelude to how explosive the pairing of both of them is going to be. I am so excited and feeling all weird. I read the season guide and more or less knew they are gonna hook up which made me afraid too. What if the new season decides to break them up ? Like so many other characters who eventually got together. Either they fizzle out soon after the pairing or the show will bomb. Just look at Buffy and Spike. I am watching it now. So sad !

I'd been keeping tabs of some interesting pairings. Like Mark Greene and Susan Lewis. And Ed and Carol. How about Neo and Trinity ? And who could forget Fox and Dana ? Look at what happened to all of them. True no tv shows can go on forever, what with fickle-minded audiences and all. I understand that, so given Hollywood's preposterousness, it should be clearly understood, weird characters come and go all the time. Okay, I'm babbling now. But just one final thing, remember all the favourite characters you so wish get hooked up and then remember how u felt when your wish was granted. Yeah, it really bites.

Monday, September 13, 2004

What's Your Mobile Style?

Your mobile style is Spunky and Spontaneous

It's a good thing a wild child like you has a cell phone to rescue you from sticky situations. Always on the go, you're a curious soul who loves to try new things and meet new people. You follow your heart and trust your instinct — whether it leads you to adventure in exotic places or start conversations with strangers.

While you're usually not the type to chat on the phone for hours, you never know when you might get lost and need directions or get hungry and need a restaurant recommendation. Sure, marching to your own drummer is nice, but you certainly know when it's time to call in for backup. Let's just hope you don't need that SOS any time soon.

Tickle Tests

FW: Basic questions for George Bush

George Bush goes to a primary school to talk about the war. After talking for a while he tells the children to go ahead and ask about anything. A little boy puts up his hand and George asks, "Yes, son, whats your name?"

Little boy answered, "Bob."

George asked again, "And what is your question Bob?"

He said, "Well I have three questions.
1. Why did the US invade Iraq without the support of the UN?
2. Why are you president if Al Gore got more votes than you?
3. What happened to Osama Bin Laden?"

Just as he finishes his questions, the school bell rings and George says to the kids that they'll continue after the break. When the break's over George continues, "Ehm, where were we? Ah, right questions!"

A little girl puts up her hand.

George points at her and asks "What's your name then?"

Little girl replied, "Sally."

George asked, "And what's your question Sally?"

She said, "Well, I have 5 questions.
1. Why did the US invade Iraq without the support of the UN?
2. Why are you president if Al Gore got more votes than you?
3. What happened to Osama Bin Laden?
4. Why did the school bell ring 20 minutes before it usually does? And
5. Where is Bob?"

me:: laughing my head off

Midtown Madness 3

I spent the better part of last evening trying out my Xbox (everyone, colllectively:: "FINALLY!"). Yeah, I spent 50 bucks on a game. And I love it ! I really do love my material stuff. I love my Xbox ! I can't believe someone (she, whom shall remain nameless) suggested that I offload my Xbox. Yeap, as in sell it. I told her, "No way ! I dreamt of having one for years and years okay, slight exaggeration .... and there is no way I will sell it even if it will make me 250 bucks !" The reason she suggested I sold it was because a) I have yet to remove the machine from its cardboard box at that time, and b) that the since games were just too expensive, and seems like I have not played it, I might as well make moolah out of it !

Okay so, well I could have it modified but modifications don't come cheap either ! And with so many people modding their Box, mine shall remain original. Yeap ... So it will take me 6 months to get a new game, that just give me plenty of time to master one game at a time. And right now it's Midtown Madness 3 ! I was contemplating Project Gotham Racing, PGR2 or MM3 and decided on the later. So anyways, guess if you wanna get me pressies, you don't have to think too hard. Just get me an Xbox game !


Thursday, September 09, 2004

Am I happy ?

I'm not. I am disenchanted. I feel guilty. I have spurts of anger. I am sad and wistful. Then I feel alone. The all consuming aloneness. I am distrustful of the people surrounding me. What do you want from me ? I know you don't want to take up my offer of friendship. I know you just want to put me down. To snigger and snicker at my disabilities. I am not perfect, so I am the butt of riducule. I hate me. I hate you. Most importantly, your opinions of how I lead my life don't matter. I want to die. Now, I really want to die. I am seriously losing hope in this life. Who are you, masked people ? Why did you torture my sanity so ? Do you or don't you want me in your life ? IF you don't then let's make the cut. Make the severance permanent, once and for all. Since you don't want or have a need for me, then I don't see the need to hang on to this farce of relationships. I hate you. I hate me. I hate you hating me. I hate me hating you.

I'm wide awake at 4 am. Without a friend in sight. Hanging on a hope, but I'm alright. The Carpenters::I Need To Be In Love

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Renew old vows

With so many different ways to update the old blog, how could I dare to be remiss in my entries ? Well I am and I repent. I need breathing space. I figured so did you guys. Afterall, my life is such any excitement fades after an hour. So goodbye, farewell, adieu and you and you ....

Thursday, September 02, 2004

It worked !

Yeah ! It did worked !!!!



I'm using the BlogThis! button on the blogbar to try and figure out if I can bypass posting via email or the blogger main page ....

*crosses fingers* Hope this works !

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

The day before September aka the last day of August

So well, it's Teachers' Day celebration today. Everything was okay. Nothing too boring neither was it too exciting. I had lab exams earlier in the morning and it was such a drag. Same old things to do. Prepare lab, wait for kids to finish, clean up lab. Anyways, next week is term break ! Cools ... I can catch up on my sleep !

I have to go up to JB for a staff retreat coming Sat. So I must get cracking on my assignment due next Monday. I have a headache now. Will cut it short. Anyways, this is like only the second day in a week I get to go home at 5. On the dot. Gonna take the opportunity of less crowd on the bus. So must really end now. Yeah. This is my final period. Period.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Halfway through

I am halfway through the preliminary practical exams.
I am halfway through my current part time degree course.
I am halfway through completing my assignments.
I am halfway through my friends.
I am halfway through my life.

I wish I was more done with my life. I know I don't want to live beyond 40. So I have 17 more years to prepare myself. But I don't need to. I have been preparing to die since the day I realised death is the opposite of life. In death we find solace, but our unconscious state of mind has already found that solace in life.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

FW: [Jokes] - The Mother of All Chain Mails

To all my friends, thank you for sending me chain letters in 2004:

I stopped drinking Coca Cola after I found out that it's good for removing toilet stains.

I stopped going to the movies for fear of sitting on a needle infected with AIDS.

I smell like a dog since I stopped using deodorants because they cause cancer.

I don't leave my car in the parking lot or any other place and sometimes I even have to walk about 7 blocks for fear that someone will drug me with a perfume sample and try to rob me.

I also stopped answering the phone for fear that they would ask me to dial a stupid number and then I get a phone bill from hell with calls to Uganda, Singapore and Tokyo.

I stopped consuming several foods for fear that the estrogens they contain may turn me gay.

I also stopped eating chicken and burgers because they are nothing other than horrible mutant freaks with no eyes or feathers that are bred in a lab so that places like McDonalds can sell their Big Macs.

I also stopped drinking anything out of a can for fear that I will get sick from the rat faeces and urine.

I think I'm turning gay because when I go to parties, I don't look at any girl no matter how hot she is, for fear that she will take my kidneys and leave me taking a nap in a bathtub full of ice.

I also donated all my savings to the Amy Bruce account. A sick girl that was about to die in the hospital about 7,000 times. Funny that girl, she's been 7 since 1993...

I went bankrupt from bounced checks that I made expecting the $15,000 that Microsoft and AOL were supposed to send me when I participated in their special e-mail program. My Ericcson phone never arrived and neither did the passes for a paid vacation to Disneyland.

But I am positive that all these is the cause of a stinking chain that I broke or forgot to follow and I got a curse from hell.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don't send this e-mail to at least 1200 people in the next 10 seconds, a bird will crap on you today at 7 pm. Don't believe? Try it!

Monday, August 23, 2004

Preliminary examinations

I will be super busy this week and next. So posting on my blog page will be sporadic. I'm up to my neck wih my course assignments and my delicate nature *sic* does not help one bit.

I know I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world, And fool enough to think that's what I'll find. ::The Carpenters::

Friday, August 20, 2004

The day before Saturday

Wet, wet afternoon. Dark clouds gathered and downpour seemed imminent. Then the skies opened and the blast of water came down in huge jets. Ten minutes later, the all clear signal was given. The winds died down and the tears from the big grey above ended. All evidence of the-not-so sunny day was just wet grounds. And the wafting smell of rain in the air.

I love rainy days.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

FW: What you may get when u fly cheap airlines ....

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. This is your captain (Mr Chin Chye Lai) welcoming you on board ..... I apologise if I cannot see you ... I can't see anything from my cockpit anyway, the lights are not working ....

We apologise for the delay in taking off, some minor problem, just replace the engine, new engine cannibalised from the aircraft that decided to take a swim in the South China Sea ...

This is flight 126 from Senaisini to New Delhi. Landing in Delhi is not guaranteed, but we will end up somewhere in the region. And if luck is on our side, we may even be landing on your village!

Standards are such that even the terrorists are afraid to fly with us! It is with pleasure that I announce that starting this year over 50 of our passengers have reached their destination. For the ones that don't quite make it, our staff have all the requisite experience for consoling the next-of-kin. Our stewardess, Anjali, will be happy to brief you on our out-of-court settlement policies.

If our engines are too noisy for you, on passenger request, we can arrange to turn them off. To make your free fall to earth pleasant and memorable, we serve complimentary samosas and lassi. For our not-so-religious passengers, we are the only airline who can help you find out if there really is a God.

We regret to inform you, that today's in-flight movie ("Hands off my Chutney") will not be shown, as we forgot to record it from the television. But for our movie buffs, we will be flying alongside Singapore Airlines, where their movie will be visible from the right side of the cabin window.

We regret to advise that smoking is prohibited on this flight. Any smoke you see in the cabin is only the early warning system on the engines telling us to slow down. Life jackets are positioned under your seats and free bathing costumes are made available to the Aunties and swimming shorts to the Uncles ....... It is likely that you will need them later.

Kindly be seated, keep your seat in an upright position for takeoff and fasten your belt. For those of you who can't find a seat belt, kindly fasten your own belt to the arm of your seat. For those of you who don't have a seat, do not hesitate to get in touch with our stewardess, Anjali, who will explain how to fasten yourself to your suitcase. Otherwise suka lu lah ....

If I don't see you again, enjoy your flight with Air Chinchye.

Thank you.

Monday, August 16, 2004

~ Goodbye To Love ~ The Carpenters

I'll say goodbye to love. No one ever cared if I should live or die. Time and time again the chance for love has passed me by, and all I know of love is how to live without it, I just can't seem to find it.

So I've made my mind up, I must live my life alone. And though it's not the easy way, I guess I've always known I'd say goodbye to love. There are no tomorrows for this heart of mine. Surely time will lose these bitter memories and I'll find that there is someone to believe in and to live for. Something I could live for.

All the years of useless search, have finally reached an end. Loneliness and empty days will be my only friend. From this day love is forgotten, I'll go on as best I can.

What lies in the future is a mystery to us all. No one can predict the wheel of fortune as it falls. There may come a time when I will see that I've been wwrong. But for now this is my song.

And it's goodbye to love.
I'll say goodbye to love.

Baby fairy's the name of the game

Waaaaaahahahahaha ....


M. Night Shyamalan's The Village

I stayed up past 2 am because I cannot put down Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. The book is like so ... Hmmmm ... Unputdownable ! Really !!! I was even toying with the idea of not sleeping at all last night ! In the end rationality won and I put down the (tiny) Nokia flash (coz it kept flashing !) light for good and laid on my left. I was trying so damn hard to stop my brain from whirring to the last page/chapter I'd read. Now I am tempted to read as much as I could at work ! Trying hard to resist the temptation though. I don't know if I can make it !

And guess what people ? I finally get to go watch this movie (title) this evening ! Actually planned to do this some time ago with Chloe but had to postpone it twice ! Not gonna miss it tonight though !

Oh, Man Utd lost the very first EPL match ! So disappointing ! And to Moneybags Chelsea !!! Is this the sign of the end of the reign of Sir Alex in MUFC ? But no matter, one can never write off that team. Bag of tricks from the wily old fox (Sir Alex !) will make an appearance ! *chants "Glory, glory Man United !" until fades*

Sunday, August 15, 2004

It's strange

why you always have the need to argue with the ones you care about. It's like everything is cool and fine and just that hair trigger moment, you start raising your voice as if the other person is hard of hearing. Take for example what just happened to me.

My mom was searching for her mobile and she asked me where it is. I told her it's where it usually is. She couldn't find it and gave me that accusatory look. I then helped her look for it and guess where it was ? In her bag ! She told me she looked or at least put her hand through and rummaged but couldn't find it. So I thought all was well, when she came in again and told me that she can't get rid of somethings on her phone.

I took a look, fiddled a little and voila ! And again she was not happy because the number kept popping up. So I showed her how to do it and again it showed up. By now we were both losing our cools. Finally I realised that the number pops because it's like the auto save for the address book. Told her so and told not to worry much. She went out of the room feeling a bit cheesed off. In a way I had called her stupid or inept (it was more she said it about herself and I didn't argue the point).

Now I am feeling the guilty pangs. Oh wells ... Gotta go bathe now.

BTW, it'd been a good lazy Sunday.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Friday the thirteenth .... *twilight zoning*

I have big ass ulcer nestled prim and proper on the membrane of the piece of tissue connecting the inside of my lower lip to my gums. It's having a life of its own, growing bigger everyday. It's a giant ass ulcer and it's killing my brain cells !
Had Immuno class today. It was kinda dry, basically covering the parts of the antibody. Heavy chain, light chain, kappa, gamma .... Feels like I'm in some kinda frat party ! Talking about frat parties, had Ice Blended Caramba with a slice of Chicago Cheesecake from CoffeeBean with Kav and Chloe before class. Not the best of combination for a snack ! Almost had a massive puking session in class because what we had consumed were too rich for the likes of us ! Chloe and I managed to maintain but Kav succumbed !!
It was a great class session tonight because again we spent the time passing notes and giggling like mad school girls. No wonder I don't know what the hell was 'appenin' in class again !

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Swearing in, allowed.

How cool is the swearing in session ? Really cool ! The new PM is really charismatic. And easy on the eyes to boot !

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

You have not seen a deader person until you see me !

I am so screwed ! Assignment's due this Friday and I'm not even 10% done. I'm deader than a dead person. It was all my fault to blame !


"A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God." -- Alan J. Perlis

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Sick ...

Into the second day of Passion and I am tired of it ! I mean like, did I really commit to have this "face" for the next 21 days ? 3 weeks ?!?


Monday, August 09, 2004

Fireworks ?!? I LOVE !!!!

Out of all the whole show, the best portion is always the fireworks. Every year, the fireworks are the one that rock my socks ! And for that, I sat through the horrible remixing of original favourites. They totally mangled the first part of the show. Horrible, horrible renditions of the old classics !

Oh, btw people ... If in case you hated this new "face", too bad !! You would have to bear with it for the whole of this month !
And well ... It's a good thing my page does not rely on the number of people surfing by. So you guys can totally skip this page for a whole month. But just remember, you'd be breaking my heart ! *winks*

The gods created woman for the domestic functions, the man for all others - Xenophon

Now the party is really startin' ...

Red and white blogskin.

How much more patriotic can I get ? Even the stars make an appearance when you click anywhere on the page.

Bwaaaahahahaha .....

Happy National Day, 'ya'll !

Okay I am going to write the first thought that had been swimming in my mind. I seriously suspect there is more than meets the eye between Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. I know, I know, I keep on harping about them but didn't you think that they were the original Golden couple of Hollywood ?

For instance, latest news. Both of them have movies out now. Collateral for TC and The Stepford Wives for NK. Granted NK's movie had opened some time back in te US but still. Coincidence ? I think not ! And remember when both went single again ? It was one big hoo-ha of news ! Seriously. Give it some thought and you would realise the truth behind this conspiracy theory.

I am seriously stuffed from lunch. Indulged myself by cooking maggi mee. Hmmm ... they are the best ! I can virtually eat it everyday. And chicken rice. The white chicken rice. Mmmmmmm ... the smell of the fragrant rice (ginger and garlic, yums !) and the spiciness of the lime chilli. Oh mans .... I'm salivating again ! I know what to have for dinner tonight !

The gods created woman for the domestic functions, the man for all others - Xenophon

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Shall we say I was too haste ?

Bwahahahaha ....

Guess what I've been doing this whole weekend ? Busy copying 3 seasons of SATC for a colleague ! And I spent the better part of yesterday trying to find a suitable software (or rather freeware !) to bypass the copyright protection and copying the episodes to the blank dvds ! Mentally exhausting especially when you don't know what the f**k you were doing ! But everything is well and done. Finally I can start on my assignments. Well, yeah. I was probably asking for it when I (proudly) proclaim that my PC can copy DVDs. Yeah, well ... no more ! At least after 2 more seasons of SATC and my Love Actually !

Bwaahahahaaha ......

Friday, August 06, 2004

Hah-py Burf-dae Shaheeda !

The title says it all !

Have a great one, gurl !

The gods created woman for the domestic functions, the man for all others - Xenophon

Wednesday, August 04, 2004


I write here not to tempt.
I write to ease my mind.
When I feel like I can't disclose,
I post an entry to my faithful blogpage.
When I feel like I can't be understood,
I sit in front of my PC and cry.
I cry because I write.
I write what I feel and right now I feel extreme sadness.
I feel extreme disappointment.
And then my tears well.

Does my upturned frown belies the underlying sadness ?

The gods created woman for the domestic functions, the man for all others - Xenophon

The Jupitian - Interplanetary Visit by Samuel Kegan

You are hearing / reading this first here. Unless of course you had been surfing to Samuel's blogpage, then you would have read the great, big annoucement. For the uninitiated, Samuel's first book is going to be published by year's end. Okay, in a shameless bid for publicity and readership, please surf through to his page and read the synopsis of his first book. It will sort of whet your appetite, if the Sci-Fi genre is your thing. Well, it did mine because I've actually read one of the very first draft of the book. And I must say, the revisions did over the years should give it more flesh and blood. I applaud his courage. Really.

So anyway, Sam dear, Congratulations on the upcoming book !

And guys, watch this space for more updates !

Oh, and not to forget ...

Congratulations to Jerian for passing her driving test yesterday !!!

All my peeps are going places but I'll be here giving full support ! ::-:: Helena

Monday, August 02, 2004

New addition to my contest prizes

Hey, what can I say ???

2004 is one lucky year for me. I'd amassed quite a fair bit of contest winnings. And the latest to join the coffers is a digital camera. I mean seriously !!! All I can say is that I'm really thankful and greatful that I've been given a lot of things. Shelter, food, clothing, parents and family members, friends, job and lately, freebies !

Click here to have a look see. And I didn't lie !

The gods created woman for the domestic functions, the man for all others - Xenophon

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Lousy duck with an 'f'

It's been a while since I last blogged. I mean actually go into Blogger to blog. All I do these days is to email blog. Fast and effective solutions. Even so, this is like only the second post of this week.

Did I tell you I am down with flu ? Again ? I mean craps ! I know I mentioned this before, but I cannot get over the fact that since I started my job, I've been on MC far too many times to my liking. I never used to be sick so often in my school days. Is it just me or is the environment getting pretty buggy ? Craps ! If I believe in conspiracy theories, I would definitely think some big, bugger nations are slowly releasing biological toxins around the world. Depresses the immune system and make people go wonky on each other. Easy enough to explain the monstrosities you read in the papers day in, day out.

Craps. I have a pounding headache. Everytime I coughed, the area around my forehead felt crushed to my skull. And if I don't cough, my throat scratched me to the point of insanity. Have I mentioned enough times that I hated being sick ? Going into whiny, bitchin' me, I'd probably would have been better off, taking a day's rest at home. But that would mean I would have no grounds to whine and bitch. Attention-seeking bitch, some of you might read, and yeah on some level I wanted to show the duckers (with an 'f') in management how much they would stand to lose should I decide to leave their *sniggers* fine establishment. All done in vain of course. No one here notice the plain wallflower consigned to the prep room. She meant nothing, she is nothing. That's the message I got from the oh M(anagement)ighty one. Craps.

So anyways, the reason for my writing in today is to ask a proverbial question. If your dearest told you that you are a lousy fuck, what do you do ? Do you, smile back and say, "I'll do better next time." or do you snapped back, "So are you asshole." ? Or would you cry your eyes out, reflect on what you did wrong or didn't dare do, break up with the dearest and poured your heart and soul on your weblog ?

Monday, July 26, 2004

Buggered by the B - U - G

Harhar .... I caught the flu bug again. So everything in my world is generally, tasteless, grey and lazed. I wanna go home now .... My tum-tums kinda giving me problems now. I wanna puke out my lunch ..... Did I ever tell you how much I hated being sick/ill/unwell ???? Malaise .... Woozy ..... Pukey ..... Yups. Sums up my entire day ...

Celine Dion's Only One Road playing on radio now ... *bliss*

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Getting something new

Yaay !!!!!

I'm gonna get my mom's new mobile later after work ! I can't wait to see if it's as good lookin' as the pictures depicted ... I might get one myself ! I am in this crazed mood. I just want to spend and spend ! It's as though all of a sudden I realised I need to get new stuff ! Argghhh ... This is what being skint does to the human psyche ! Wonder what to have for dinner later ... Sushi perhaps ????

mmmmmmmmmmmmm .........

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

For real ?

What is the deal with this SMS ? Read on ....

This is special gift for every S-M-S user. Just send this message to another 10 S-M-S user and you'll get $200 free automatic.

Yes, I received this message 3 times yesterday. And no I am not so gulliable as to forward this to another 10 people on my contact list. I copied this directly from my Inbox with all it's bad grammar and weird phrasing in its full glory. Come on people. How can you guys be taken in by this nonsense ??? Who started this prank ? Who personally increased the SMS load on our 3 distinguished service providers ? And my guess as to whom will get that "$200 free automatic" are the service providers ! Hello people ! Wake and re-read the text message ! I mean have you ever received any SMS from your service providers ??? I'm sure if they have a "promotional" deal like this going on, I am definitely positive they would personally SMS the selected party. Can you imagine how much losses these companies would have to incur if they were to give each end user $200 ? Be smart people. This is one of the few examples of SPAM SMS we should consign to the trash can once we received it !

So anyways people. For those who have yet to receive this nonsense, good on you. For those who have this sitting in their Inbox, press that delete button NOW (I'm deleting all 3 as I write) ! For those who are thinking of forwarding this crap to me, don't you even dare .... I am happier knowing you are thinking about me when you DO NOT send me the SMS.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

FW: Resignation letter

Dear Sir (Sir my ass!)

This will confirm my fucking resignation with your fucked up company. I have accepted a lucrative position with a company where being a bitch is not a job prerequisite for managerial skills. I am looking forward to my new position and the challenges that await me, unlike when I worked with you assholes. My last day of work will be when you realize I came in the night before and cleaned out my desk, including all the stationery supplies I requested and received last week. (haha!)

I've deliberately left lots of undone shit for the new fucker, not forgetting the ongoing projects I never completed. I'm certain your dumb ass will never figure out what's happening. Once the company finds out that you don't know a damn thing, they will not only fire my replacement but your ass as well.

Please feel free not to say a damn thing to me should you see me on the streets, unless you want your ass kicked. My experience with this fucking company has been very unrewarding. I appreciate having had the opportunity to use you as a stepping stone to a better future.

I wish you and the organization not a fucking thing. Fuck you very much till your 18 generations! My worst regards to you and your bitch-ass mother-fuckers!

Insincerely Yours,

Ms. Tiu Nia Sing
"A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God." -- Alan J. Perlis

Monday, July 19, 2004

Can't think of a good title for this post

Seriously people. I am not that bad at all. I might have some questionable musical and reading tastes but I donÂ?t think I am much of a different person as, say, an average Jane on the street. I like to laugh. I hate it when people bugged me too much. I get bruised when I bang into the door knob. I want to feel safe from all the nasties of the world. I want to be able to get myself out of the holes I jumped into sometimes. I hate the taste of my own (smelly) feet in my mouth. I get hurt and I feel pain. I find joy and burst out in a hearty laugh. I tease and get teased in return.

The point I'm trying to make here. I am as much a human being as the next person. Please handle me with care even if I may seemed to not be fragile.

"A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God." -- Alan J. Perlis

Friday, July 16, 2004

I'm not a perfect person


It's official. I don't think I will skip classes ever again. At least not for Immunology. The lecturer we had this time round was not too bad. She was alright. No. Better than that. Maybe because I'd gone through a "nasty" lecturer while I was in TP doing Immuno. At least now I know, no one can be as horrid as CYY. No one liked him. Hmmm ... based on the personal poll I took. With the exception of say, WY. The other people I hanged out with dislike him with a fervor. Me included. But that was in the past. The future is now and I like what I sat through so I will do it again.

Just had a cleansing moment with an ex-colleague. I know I was nasty to her. I regretted the moments that I was. We were close the best part of last year. Sharing confidences. Though I must admit, at times I was really a horrible person. How can I ever be that person, I never knew. If I'm being honest with myself, I'd say I was jealous. The green-eyed monster bit me. Excuses, but it's a fact I realised upon reflection. I guess I thought how could anyone dare to be closer to the person I introduced them to than I was. Okay let me put it simply. How can the 2 very people who are my friends be so close, closer than I was with each ? Stupid excuse but well, rationality has no bearing when someone is consumed with too much of an emotion. GOD ! I was so stupid ! Why couldn't I just let it all go ? Why can't I just be grateful that on some tiny level, I'd brought 2 people together ? People who would never have anything in common in the first place. So I post this "sob" story to get some kind of absolvement. Now she's gone to another environment. I hope it will turn out to be much better for her there than it was here. She is kind enough to not make an issue out of it. I asked if we could start over and I have to say she has the right to decline my offer. Afterall I acted like a complete bitch towards her.

I'm melancholic. I missed my departed cats. Missed them so much I could cry. And I really wanna cry but I've got no valid reasons to. Guess when I'm all tucked in bed later, I'll say a prayer and a tiny sob for all the pain in the world. For all the people who had been hurt, knowingly or otherwise. I will remember that pain inflicted is pain received.

"A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God." -- Alan J. Perlis

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Who's Your Celebrity Soul Mate?


Whether you're a daredevil or you just imagine playing one on the big screen, you're definitely an outgoing individual who likes to march to the beat of your own drummer. You always seem to make a statement and a lasting impression wherever your bold behavior takes you. Shy, silver-screen superstars need not apply to be your soul mate.

Only someone who's daring and self-assured is right for the part to play your soul mate. A hottie like Colin Farrell is just the kind of sexy star who'd be able to keep up with your adventurous attitude. Whatever you decide to do on your dates, it's clear you two will certainly take Tinseltown by storm. So keep your eyes open for someone who's as bold as you are to be your co-star in real-life romance!

What's Your Eating Style?

Relaxed Eater

You understand that food is more than just about sustenance. Overall, you treat yourself well. Even if you are not always successful at it, having sit-down meals three times a day is your ideal. You also try to be regular with your portions and the times that you eat on a day-to-day basis. At first, this may sound like you have a common pattern. Your pattern is, in fact, extremely sensible, but unfortunately, not that common these days. You may find that you are one of the few people in your work place or community that actually sits down for three square meals. But when it comes to food, your priorities seem to be in order. You avoid eating as if it's a competitive race to the finish; rather you savor your meals and allow yourself the lost art of enjoying the eating experience itself. Taking the time to sit down and share a meal and conversation with family and friends signals that you do understand that it is important to have balance in your life.

But even you can eat differently when certain emotions trigger your natural eating pattern.

What Kind of Friend Are You?

Sympathetic Sidekick

No one ever accused you of not having a soft side. And that's why friends flock to your sympathetic ear and well-thought-out advice. You are tuned in to the world around you, and you are always looking for ways to bring people together and enjoy each other's company.

While some people might have one or two close friends, you like to spread your wings and socialize with any number of people. You are open-hearted and free-spirited, making it easy for you to find common ground with anyone you meet. Keep up the good work — everyone could use a friend like you.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Today sucks

Today's entry: Bitch fest.

Sometimes I wonder why do I bother to take the shit thrown by the crappy people ? Why do I even bother when no one even seemed to care. I wasted time, effort and energies and what do I get in return ? More shit ! I'm not asking for much. Just a little recognition that I went out of my way to make sure everything runs smoothly. IF I'm a complete bitch, I'd blown this joint a long time ago. I don't need this kind of stress for this meagre way I call earning a living. I'm starting to hate this place. And I DON'T hate. Never hate because that is the lowest form of human emotion ever. So I don't HATE, but I cannot NOT hate this place. I should stress that some people here treat me like I'm lower than dirt. All I will say in return is for them to do something anatomically challenged. I'm just gonna sit quietly and stew. Now.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Load crap, release load

This is going to be one of my self pity entry. Just a fair warning to those who don't have the need to consume more misery. Go away, now.

I have affirmed my faith that I sucked. Academically speaking, I am the queen of sucked-ness. I realise that now and I bow down to the great ones, a.k.a the ones who don't suck. Four down, four more to go. I still have to try to bring up my cumulative GPA. Again, if I'm still stuck in self pity, there is no hope that I can even do good. Suck is as suck does. I SUckED !!!

Friday, July 09, 2004

Do what pleases you

I've come to this juncture in my life. I have to stop caring, period.

Happy Birthday Jer !

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Wildest Love ~ Southern Sons

It's just talk Small conversation, but it's talk But it's no consolation I go out of my head Thinking of your smile It's a touch Though I know that there hasn't been too much But my mind start to wander I'll be easily led Just to have a little of your love

This is the wildest love
This is the wildest love
With every day the warmest hunger
Grows inside my heart
This is the wildest love

I am strong I have had good intentions all along But you take my defences and you tear them apart Occupy my heart with your voice May I say that you've given me no choice Tender smiles of complicity If someone's around Can't you see my feet have left the ground

This is the wildest love
This is the wildest love
With every day the warmest hunger
Grows inside my heart
This is the wildest love
This is the wildest love
And though I see the signs of warning
It is much too late...

You've been under my skin For the longest time Tell the world where we've been That we're gone

In a trance Here's a song to the memory of this change Whole constellations moving over our heads Cannot match what I see in your eyes

This is the wildest love
This is the wildest love
With every day the warmest hunger
Grows inside my heart
This is the wildest love
This is the wildest love
And though I see the signs of warning
It is much too late...
This is the wildest love
This is the wildest love

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Now, back to the mundane

Everybody scream .... What for ??? I'm staying late at work starting this week ! *sighs* City Harvest's schedule is back on the running track, so accumulate, accumulate time off hours. Oh wells .... Better than nothing.

My new term classes will officially start next Friday. Yeah. Every Friday, every week .... *sighs* I hope this term will be a better term for me. *chants repeatedly*

Anyways, my results will be out this Saturday !!!!!


Tuesday, July 06, 2004

To you I belong

It’s great that you can email yourself your blog post from anywhere. And I mean, anywhere. I had a wonderful day at home yesterday. After I collected my The Carpenters paraphernalia, Mom, Ayu and I headed down to Tekka because I have a craving for masalah dosai. Walked a bit, and by then Ayu was already complaining of tiredness. Headed home and I basically spent the rest of the time after dinner with my winnings ! The records were wonderful. Karen Carpenter’s voice was so melodic and soulful. Then I tried the DVD, it so totally rocked ! Well. I guess they will be in my discman for quite some time.

Another thing. It seems that I am really meant to keep my xbox ! Just without the games, of course !

Monday, July 05, 2004

Putting your money where your mouth is

The story of the Greek victory in the recently concluded Euro 2004.

Enough said.

The gods created woman for the domestic functions, the man for all others - Xenophon

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Words of wisdom from the cigarette smoking man

"The fiercest enemy is the man who has nothing left to lose."

Day in, watching movies and reading

I watched The Marix Revolutions. FINALLY ! It was good. Although I must admit I didn't totally get it. The message behind the whole life form of the matrix. You guys must think either I'm incredibly dense or hmmmm .... dense ! I guess I just have to watch a couple more times to scrutinise the ending. I am hitting yahoo to help me with the "getting it" of the movie. Kind of exciting and interesting to read the others' take on the trilogy. Anyway, I'm watching Days of Thunder now. I remember how I fell in love with Tom Cruise. Now it seems like I'm falling all over again ! *sighs*

BTW, it was TC's 42nd birthday yesterday. Did anyone know this ?

Warm milk, frozen lime margarita and G&T

I can honestly say that tonight was the most fun I had with my colleagues in a long while. The setting was simple, we would meet up for drinks. And because coordinating with people is a tad too difficult, our initial plans to go to Somerset's Bar was discarded in favour of Starbucks. Even so, it was not a second rate meeting place. Maybe because it's due to the company of these friends of mine. Hey people, thanks for the good moments. Have a nice weekend ahead. I'm going to bed now. Night everyone !

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Bus shelter ad

Shopping at the Great Singapore Sale: $115

Convincing your husband you can't pick him up because you don't know where the car is: Priceless

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Checklist time

Are you an accidental flirt? Ten ways you can unwittingly lead a man on

Men often believe you're flirting with them even when you're not. Here, Mark Mason explains the ten ways you can unknowingly send out the wrong signal

1. Putting one more kiss at the end of an email than he did. Women are naturally friendly - if flirting is a mountain, they're always walking in the lower foothills. But men want to get to the peak as soon as possible. Your extra 'x' was done without thinking. He assumes you're starting an auction of kisses that will end up with the two of you in bed.

2. Saying you like his shirt. The average man doesn't notice clothes - if you notice his, he'll think it's because you want to see them on your bedroom floor.

3. Asking questions about his girlfriend. You're just being nosy about his love life. He thinks you want a walk-on part in it.

4. Talking about your own relationship problems. You find it easy to discuss these things. Men don't, so he'll imagine that you're auditioning replacements for your boyfriend.

5. Approaching him at a party. Men see starting a conversation as the first stage of seduction. They can't understand why you'd do it just to be friendly.

6. Touching his arm as you talk. Women are more tactile than men - they forget that testosterone can be brought to the boil by the merest brush of a female hand.

7. Teasing him. You're doing it simply because you can, and it amuses you. He sees it as an early phase of the mating ritual.

8. Ignoring a call on your mobile when you're with him. You hit 'divert' because it's your boss and you don't want to talk to her - but the man's ego tells him you're captivated by his witty conversation.

9. Re-applying your make-up. A fresh coat of lip-gloss makes you feel good about yourself. He thinks it's being done to attract him.

10. Dancing with him. It's an Abba record - you'd dance with the nearest hat-stand - but your partner in boogie assumes that you want his body.

Of course, all these are things you might do if you are really flirting. But even if you're not, don't worry too much - wouldn't life be boring if you couldn't laugh at men?

From Understanding Men @ ivillage

Power is out

2215 hrs 29 June 2004, Tuesday

Helena's mind

We paid the electricity bill didn't we ????
Uh-oh .... SHORT CIRCUIT !!!!
Hmmm .... Now which page did I stopped reading ????
Where is my farken bookmark ????
Where is my farken torchlight ?????
Where is my farken candles ??????
Better go and see how the others are doing.
Ahhhhh .... FARKEN HOT, sia !!!!!

Yeah, caught in the blackout that lasted for about 20-25 minutes.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Too much of a good thing

Books overload !!!

I was so bored that I decided to hit the library yesterday. Picked up 4 books on top of the 9 I'd set aside to read. So now I've got so much reading to do. All pleasure reading ! It's really crazy ! I am so unbelievably greedy ! Add on to the fact I have to do a refresher on my Immunology and Analytical Science before the start of my new term. I just can't phantom how I can achieve all this by this week. Well, I can at least prioritise my time. For example, I can try to clear the books I am co-currently reading. I've started on one library book, in the midst of 2 other books. One of the books I have to finished it by this weekend in light of the fact I will be lending the book to a colleague. Also, I'm determined to start my perusal of my poly notes of said subjects, just so I don't panic when end of term comes around.

See people. I'm like so busy. Bzzz ..... Bzzz .....

So if anyone wants to meet up, I'm free between 8 am to 5 pm. I'll be on MSN. Hell, yeah I will !!!

Monday, June 28, 2004

New term, new episodes


Today is the first day of the third term. This is the period of time when all the flurry and slurry of activities unite to bring a whole lot of exhaustive days. This is the time when teachers are working at an accelerated speed to finish off whatever syllabus that needs to be covered before the big O's and A's. This is the time when they act like jerks and piss me off.

Oh wait.

They are almost already acting like big babies and are already pissing me off.

What am I saying here ?

I'm already pissed, no matter who acts like jerks or otherwise ! *eye rolls*

*tick-tock* *tick-tock*

My fuse is short. The stick of dynamite is going to blow soon.

*tick-tock* *tick-tock*

*breathes in* *breathes out*

"I am in charge of my faculties. I WILL not let the people around me rule my life.
I am a calm and rational person. I will get through this"

End of June will signify the beginning of July.
End of July will signify the beginning of August.
End of August will signify the beginning of September.
End of September will mean that I've worked here for 3 years.
Time for me to seek other employment. Come January, I will have hoped to be somewhere I belong.

*breathes in* *breathes out*