silentscream Search

Sunday, September 19, 2004

I miss Chris & Rita

You know what ? I realised how much I missed watching Chris and Rita bantering on the gogglebox. Granted the show's been axed so many years ago and that the main tv channel here had stopped airing the show oh, 5 or 6 years ago even though it did not cover the entire series. As so many fans of Silk Stalkings attested, the show is so different without the chemistry of Chris & Rita. This reminiscing started when I was thinking about the other shows whose leads connected so well. One that comes to mind currently is between Luke and Lorelai of Gilmore Girls. I caught today's episode and it was a prelude to how explosive the pairing of both of them is going to be. I am so excited and feeling all weird. I read the season guide and more or less knew they are gonna hook up which made me afraid too. What if the new season decides to break them up ? Like so many other characters who eventually got together. Either they fizzle out soon after the pairing or the show will bomb. Just look at Buffy and Spike. I am watching it now. So sad !

I'd been keeping tabs of some interesting pairings. Like Mark Greene and Susan Lewis. And Ed and Carol. How about Neo and Trinity ? And who could forget Fox and Dana ? Look at what happened to all of them. True no tv shows can go on forever, what with fickle-minded audiences and all. I understand that, so given Hollywood's preposterousness, it should be clearly understood, weird characters come and go all the time. Okay, I'm babbling now. But just one final thing, remember all the favourite characters you so wish get hooked up and then remember how u felt when your wish was granted. Yeah, it really bites.

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