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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

The day before September aka the last day of August

So well, it's Teachers' Day celebration today. Everything was okay. Nothing too boring neither was it too exciting. I had lab exams earlier in the morning and it was such a drag. Same old things to do. Prepare lab, wait for kids to finish, clean up lab. Anyways, next week is term break ! Cools ... I can catch up on my sleep !

I have to go up to JB for a staff retreat coming Sat. So I must get cracking on my assignment due next Monday. I have a headache now. Will cut it short. Anyways, this is like only the second day in a week I get to go home at 5. On the dot. Gonna take the opportunity of less crowd on the bus. So must really end now. Yeah. This is my final period. Period.

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