silentscream Search

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Socialisin' part deux

I went out with another set of friends from work. This time, instead of a movie (oh, btw, the other night when I wanted to watch The Incredibles, the tix were selling out fast so my work friends and I decided to catch Bridget Jones instead. Was it good ? Well, dinner was great, the 3 of us shared the stuffed spinach and cheese pasta and veg pizza at Pastamania. Movie was debatable (plus point was of course the Colin Firth factor). The company was of course excellent !!), this time we just had dinner and something.

Initially the plan was to go to Hard Rock's so even though I can't eat most of the food there, I could probably have desserts. Instead, we ended up at Harry's @ The Esplanade. Seriously mans, half way through their dinner, I regretted my decision to go. The company was not too bad but certain cliques and inside jokes have been formed and mainly the conversation was done in Channel 8. Half the time I sat there wondering what I could do if I had left for home on time.

I am so disappointed but I guess with Auntie Rosie's visit coming soon, I might have just been hormonal. Anyways, the event is over and there is no point crying over my "lost" 3 hours !

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