You understand that food is more than just about sustenance. Overall, you treat yourself well. Even if you are not always successful at it, having sit-down meals three times a day is your ideal. You also try to be regular with your portions and the times that you eat on a day-to-day basis. At first, this may sound like you have a common pattern. Your pattern is, in fact, extremely sensible, but unfortunately, not that common these days. You may find that you are one of the few people in your work place or community that actually sits down for three square meals. But when it comes to food, your priorities seem to be in order. You avoid eating as if it's a competitive race to the finish; rather you savor your meals and allow yourself the lost art of enjoying the eating experience itself. Taking the time to sit down and share a meal and conversation with family and friends signals that you do understand that it is important to have balance in your life.
But even you can eat differently when certain emotions trigger your natural eating pattern.
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