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Saturday, October 09, 2004

Did you care ?

My last day of work today before I go on a 6 days leave. Exams a-coming so I need to focus. Yeah, right ... I'd been doing a lot of pleasure reading these past few nights. I was reading, To Be Someone by Louise Voss. I was attracted to this book because 1) the author shares the same name as an ex-teacher here, 2) the character's best friend is named Sam (!) and 3) the main character shares the same name as me ! Coincindentally the ex-teacher was also a Briton and Sam is one of my good friends ! Hehehe ... In my case, let's just say that aside from the same name, the starring issue the main character thought about has been playing a lot in my mind. To know what that is, read the book !

So anyways, I have no more reason to procrastinate. Must start revision later. Anyways, Sam came up with a proposition (?) that sounded very tempting. My first instinct was, "Yes, dammit ! I'll do it in a heartbeat !"

Gotta start work now. Oh wells, I'll probably check my email accounts first !

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