silentscream Search

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

Venus . . . . . The Bull
Taurus Gemstone: Emerald
April Birthstone: Diamond
May Birthstone: Emerald
Flowers: Lily, Lilac
Lucky star: Venus
Lucky day: Friday
Lucky color: Green
Lucky numbers: 3, 9

You are strong, persistent, and patient, harboring a fierce loyalty towards those you love most. (True !) You dedicated a good deal of time to family and are constant in most relationships. (Again, true !) Although you have a tendency to become set in your own ways, you learn from every experience and never stray from a task you have started until you finish it. (Ummmm ....) Taureans often become teachers and leaders in business because they are naturals at providing guidance and creating order. (NO !!!) Because of their warm-hearted nature, they are successful in marriage and have a particular fondness for children. (Awwwww ... You believe that ?) Taureans are avid athletes and enjoy spending time outdoors. (NO WAY !!!!)

HAPPY BOX-ING DAY, ya'll !!!!

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