silentscream Search

Thursday, September 30, 2004

If you don't see me again would you cry ?

It's been pretty quiet on the "friends" front. And I do not mean the defunct tv series. Yes, I do see the usual crowd online, people like Sam, Chloe, Elaine, Kav. But. Notice the other missing names ? Right. So I brought it up. Sorry, but you have to pardon me for being a little hung up over this fact. Come on, 10 years is not nothing ! But screw it lah (Singlish !).

Anyways, major things are brewing up on the work front. I might have to leave my comfortable place here sooner than I thought. I have not spoken it to anybody, except for the people at work (they know and they were totally agreeable on the idea) and Kav and Chloe. The rest ? What rest ? I'll tell Mother in due time.

Exams in 2 weeks. Yeah. 14 days, feeling the irritable stress syndrome. Yup, catch me at the wrong time and I will be bitchy.

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