silentscream Search

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Early morning reads

I'm already at work since half hour ago. But I am in my prep room instead of the GO. I bet you my last dollar, when I eventually go over to GO, my boss's face will be very long.


He will think I was late. As usual, he will show me his pissed off face. But the fact remains that I don't have the key to the stupid office ! I don't know exactly what it is but I don't feel welcomed by him. Granted my move over is imminent and I know I won't be as close to him as the previous girl. But I usually don't pally with my bosses ! What is the point ? You do your job and at the end of the day, you leave work with a clear conscience. Not with politics, licking your bosses' rear ends or causing too much inefficiency. Sh*t.

I think I have enough of this place. As of now, I am actively looking for another job. Any lubangs, you guys ?

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