silentscream Search

Monday, September 13, 2004

Midtown Madness 3

I spent the better part of last evening trying out my Xbox (everyone, colllectively:: "FINALLY!"). Yeah, I spent 50 bucks on a game. And I love it ! I really do love my material stuff. I love my Xbox ! I can't believe someone (she, whom shall remain nameless) suggested that I offload my Xbox. Yeap, as in sell it. I told her, "No way ! I dreamt of having one for years and years okay, slight exaggeration .... and there is no way I will sell it even if it will make me 250 bucks !" The reason she suggested I sold it was because a) I have yet to remove the machine from its cardboard box at that time, and b) that the since games were just too expensive, and seems like I have not played it, I might as well make moolah out of it !

Okay so, well I could have it modified but modifications don't come cheap either ! And with so many people modding their Box, mine shall remain original. Yeap ... So it will take me 6 months to get a new game, that just give me plenty of time to master one game at a time. And right now it's Midtown Madness 3 ! I was contemplating Project Gotham Racing, PGR2 or MM3 and decided on the later. So anyways, guess if you wanna get me pressies, you don't have to think too hard. Just get me an Xbox game !


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