silentscream Search

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

FW: Resignation letter

Dear Sir (Sir my ass!)

This will confirm my fucking resignation with your fucked up company. I have accepted a lucrative position with a company where being a bitch is not a job prerequisite for managerial skills. I am looking forward to my new position and the challenges that await me, unlike when I worked with you assholes. My last day of work will be when you realize I came in the night before and cleaned out my desk, including all the stationery supplies I requested and received last week. (haha!)

I've deliberately left lots of undone shit for the new fucker, not forgetting the ongoing projects I never completed. I'm certain your dumb ass will never figure out what's happening. Once the company finds out that you don't know a damn thing, they will not only fire my replacement but your ass as well.

Please feel free not to say a damn thing to me should you see me on the streets, unless you want your ass kicked. My experience with this fucking company has been very unrewarding. I appreciate having had the opportunity to use you as a stepping stone to a better future.

I wish you and the organization not a fucking thing. Fuck you very much till your 18 generations! My worst regards to you and your bitch-ass mother-fuckers!

Insincerely Yours,

Ms. Tiu Nia Sing
"A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God." -- Alan J. Perlis

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