silentscream Search

Monday, June 28, 2004

New term, new episodes


Today is the first day of the third term. This is the period of time when all the flurry and slurry of activities unite to bring a whole lot of exhaustive days. This is the time when teachers are working at an accelerated speed to finish off whatever syllabus that needs to be covered before the big O's and A's. This is the time when they act like jerks and piss me off.

Oh wait.

They are almost already acting like big babies and are already pissing me off.

What am I saying here ?

I'm already pissed, no matter who acts like jerks or otherwise ! *eye rolls*

*tick-tock* *tick-tock*

My fuse is short. The stick of dynamite is going to blow soon.

*tick-tock* *tick-tock*

*breathes in* *breathes out*

"I am in charge of my faculties. I WILL not let the people around me rule my life.
I am a calm and rational person. I will get through this"

End of June will signify the beginning of July.
End of July will signify the beginning of August.
End of August will signify the beginning of September.
End of September will mean that I've worked here for 3 years.
Time for me to seek other employment. Come January, I will have hoped to be somewhere I belong.

*breathes in* *breathes out*

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