silentscream Search

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Classical Pathway

Activation of C1

Binding of C1 to Ab & Ag complex

C1q binds to at least 2 Fc

Conformational change (C1q)

Activates C1r and C1s (form C1 complex, bound by Ca ions)

Activated C1s cleave C4

(2 arrows forming C2a) Forms C4a and C4b

C1s and C4b cleaves C2

C4b-C2b form complex (C3 convertase) [this is where classical, alternative and lectin pathway meet]

*Convertase activate C3

(2 arrows forming C3a) C3b

C3b and C4b2b forms C5 convertase

(2 arrows forming C5a) C5b

C5b bind C6 and C7

Gather C8, forms small pores

Forms pores with C9 [formation of the Membrane Attack Complex (MAC)]

*One C3 convertase can actually cleave many C3, this is thus the amplification step

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