silentscream Search

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Today sucks

Today's entry: Bitch fest.

Sometimes I wonder why do I bother to take the shit thrown by the crappy people ? Why do I even bother when no one even seemed to care. I wasted time, effort and energies and what do I get in return ? More shit ! I'm not asking for much. Just a little recognition that I went out of my way to make sure everything runs smoothly. IF I'm a complete bitch, I'd blown this joint a long time ago. I don't need this kind of stress for this meagre way I call earning a living. I'm starting to hate this place. And I DON'T hate. Never hate because that is the lowest form of human emotion ever. So I don't HATE, but I cannot NOT hate this place. I should stress that some people here treat me like I'm lower than dirt. All I will say in return is for them to do something anatomically challenged. I'm just gonna sit quietly and stew. Now.

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