silentscream Search

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

For real ?

What is the deal with this SMS ? Read on ....

This is special gift for every S-M-S user. Just send this message to another 10 S-M-S user and you'll get $200 free automatic.

Yes, I received this message 3 times yesterday. And no I am not so gulliable as to forward this to another 10 people on my contact list. I copied this directly from my Inbox with all it's bad grammar and weird phrasing in its full glory. Come on people. How can you guys be taken in by this nonsense ??? Who started this prank ? Who personally increased the SMS load on our 3 distinguished service providers ? And my guess as to whom will get that "$200 free automatic" are the service providers ! Hello people ! Wake and re-read the text message ! I mean have you ever received any SMS from your service providers ??? I'm sure if they have a "promotional" deal like this going on, I am definitely positive they would personally SMS the selected party. Can you imagine how much losses these companies would have to incur if they were to give each end user $200 ? Be smart people. This is one of the few examples of SPAM SMS we should consign to the trash can once we received it !

So anyways people. For those who have yet to receive this nonsense, good on you. For those who have this sitting in their Inbox, press that delete button NOW (I'm deleting all 3 as I write) ! For those who are thinking of forwarding this crap to me, don't you even dare .... I am happier knowing you are thinking about me when you DO NOT send me the SMS.

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