silentscream Search

Monday, August 09, 2004

Happy National Day, 'ya'll !

Okay I am going to write the first thought that had been swimming in my mind. I seriously suspect there is more than meets the eye between Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. I know, I know, I keep on harping about them but didn't you think that they were the original Golden couple of Hollywood ?

For instance, latest news. Both of them have movies out now. Collateral for TC and The Stepford Wives for NK. Granted NK's movie had opened some time back in te US but still. Coincidence ? I think not ! And remember when both went single again ? It was one big hoo-ha of news ! Seriously. Give it some thought and you would realise the truth behind this conspiracy theory.

I am seriously stuffed from lunch. Indulged myself by cooking maggi mee. Hmmm ... they are the best ! I can virtually eat it everyday. And chicken rice. The white chicken rice. Mmmmmmm ... the smell of the fragrant rice (ginger and garlic, yums !) and the spiciness of the lime chilli. Oh mans .... I'm salivating again ! I know what to have for dinner tonight !

The gods created woman for the domestic functions, the man for all others - Xenophon

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