silentscream Search

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Gift buying time

Okay here's my situation. I need to get 3 gifts. 2 are for people who are leaving my workplace and 1 is for someone who gave me some T-shirts. No make that about 13 pieces of topwear to be exact ! Cheryl (bless her kind soul) asked me yesterday for my T-shirt size and that if I wanted some black T-shirts which were never worn before. I thought, yeah fine, no harm done, I could do with more T-shirts for work. And today she brought one paper bag full of T-shirts ! I was flabbergasted ! I had thought she'd give like 2 or 3 pieces but 1 whole paper bag ? Like wow ! I really need to show her my appreciation and thanks ! Otherwise my mother would wallop me !

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