silentscream Search

Monday, October 04, 2004


Hahahaha .....

When my post starts with the above, obviously the joke is always on me. Anyways, I am dead broke but I still manage to invest in a flash memory drive aka thumbdrive ! It was cheap, boy. For a 256 MB memory drive, it had only cost me 50 bucks. Yeah, 50 Sing bucks ! So now I have to cash in on my NSS allotment to be able to pay for my next semester's fees. No matter, as long as I'm happy !

I am planning to get books too. Hmmm ..... I am already aiming for The Mists of Avalon, the miniseries which I managed to catch yesterday at 4 pm. It was the second hour of the 2 part 4 hours made for tv miniseries ! Anyways, knowing me, I quickly yahoo-ed it and there is so much comments and reviews of the movie and book ! Piqued my interest and so I am soooooo getting the book. After I finished watching the series that is.

Another series of books I am planning to get is by Linda Francis Lee. A trilogy, and the cover of each book, oh boy ! You should goggle-ed for the new series. Damn nice covers and so I just gotta have them !

Guess I better end here. Need to get my beauty sleep. Work has been super draining ! Seriously, it's never easy trying to dabble in something new. As always, I really hope I am not screwing my future up by this decision I'd made.

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