silentscream Search

Friday, August 13, 2004

Friday the thirteenth .... *twilight zoning*

I have big ass ulcer nestled prim and proper on the membrane of the piece of tissue connecting the inside of my lower lip to my gums. It's having a life of its own, growing bigger everyday. It's a giant ass ulcer and it's killing my brain cells !
Had Immuno class today. It was kinda dry, basically covering the parts of the antibody. Heavy chain, light chain, kappa, gamma .... Feels like I'm in some kinda frat party ! Talking about frat parties, had Ice Blended Caramba with a slice of Chicago Cheesecake from CoffeeBean with Kav and Chloe before class. Not the best of combination for a snack ! Almost had a massive puking session in class because what we had consumed were too rich for the likes of us ! Chloe and I managed to maintain but Kav succumbed !!
It was a great class session tonight because again we spent the time passing notes and giggling like mad school girls. No wonder I don't know what the hell was 'appenin' in class again !

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