silentscream Search

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Quiet day

Busy day in the office but quiet. As in my inner thoughts shuts up for probably 2 seconds in my life. Teachers came for the meeting, suddenly it dawned on me how near we are to the end of the year. Before I realised it, another 365 days had passed me by. Feeling a little retrospective. Who wouldn't ?

Met the replacement. Let's just say I can see "not staying long" written all over her expression and body language. Guess I am a little jealous. Well, I had been the first one ever, so I kind of liked the feeling that I managed to hang on for 3 years. And that I might not be so replaceable afterall.

Had to break a meet up with Chloe. Got caught up at work again ! What else is new, eh ?

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