silentscream Search

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Was that intentional ?

I was violated on the bus ride home yesterday. I glared and clenched my fists to indicate I won't take it lying down. I squirmed and squeezed myself to break any of the contact. I felt icky and disgusted. Was it my fault ? Was I tempting him to touch me ? Yes it was not visible, at least not to the rest of the bus commuters but you would surely know when that elbow was not "accidentally" digging into your sides. I felt so angry ! And the fucking asshole still has the cheek to try to touch the side of my thigh with his pinkie. Did I forgot that I had put up a sign that said, Grope for Free ???? Sick bastard ! I hope his finger rots and die. I hope he rots and die. I hope he dies. I really hope he dies.

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