silentscream Search

Friday, November 12, 2004


I cancelled my leave for today. Bummer, I know. Mother was so disappointed. And so was I. All those books I've yet to read, which I was planning to finish off during this "winter" break. *sighs*

No matter, I have plenty of work to do today. Considering I will be away the whole of next week. So I must write what I need to and make haste.

Tomorrow is my school Open House Day and I am kinda excited for it. I hope loads of people will turn up. Just mill about and add on to the atmosphere. They have to ! Especially after our back-breaking stint at Wheelock Place last weekend. Did any of you guys see us there ? Didn't come and say "Hello", didja ? Hmmm.... So if anyone's interested, just come down to my school tomorrow. Bet you there will be loads of music, food and old farts. Ugh ... I mean, ish ... What exactly did I mean ? Oh wells, forget it. Go and prepare for the extended weekend. Have fun you guys.

My results are out today. Kav, thanks so much for the heads up but I will not check them until after Sunday. When I can be surly and hole up in my room to 1) read, 2) watch movies, 3) surf or 4) play MM2. Or do all of them.

Cheerio !

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