silentscream Search

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Superfluous (... what ?) day

I am in the mood. To spend money. And I know what is the root of all this. I'm due in a week of my monthly visits from Auntie Rosie. Everytime she decides to visit me, a week before the actual visit, I am infused with this influx of hormonal changes.

Take yesterday for example. We had the "Goodbye/Going away" lunch do for Mrs M. And I was as high as a kite. I was really cheery / happy / NOT grumpy !!! I credited that mood to the cuppa I had in the morning. Although I was not a happy camper when I found out dear Mother made that cuppa for me. See what I mean ?

Today I was basically swamped with immigration matters. Thank goodness there is no meeting today. For the past 2 days, I left work at 6 ! Imagine the hours ! 8 am to 6 pm. And I still get paid peanut sauce ! (Hey ! Someone pass me those sticks of satay, please !)

Anyways, gonna have a short shut eye before I go back to the battleground !

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