silentscream Search

Monday, November 08, 2004

Pool !

I had taken 3 hours time off today. Eileen was on full day leave today. So after my shift ended, Mommy (i.e. Eileen) suggested we play pool at this place she discovered. The same building where she always takes her kid to Tumble Tots. So the two of us, excited as bouncing babies, decided to meet up and shoot some balls.

Met Mommy at the Ten Mile Junction bus stop and we went cruising in her MPV. She parked the vehicle and we then made the short walk to the home ground of the Warriors of the S-League. Climbed the 365 steps (okay, okay a slight exaggeration ...) to the top and walked a few metres in.

Tumble Tots, closed. Sportslink, closed. Entrance of stadium, closed. And who should have guessed ? Pool place ? Yep. Closed ! Mans, the disappointment !

So anyways, we made plans to come back on one of the Saturdays after work and fill the pockets. Yeah. The two amateur players gonna try to cue some coloured, smooth, shiny balls in 'em pockets ! For a buck per game, it's a bargain, mans !

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