silentscream Search

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Lousy duck with an 'f'

It's been a while since I last blogged. I mean actually go into Blogger to blog. All I do these days is to email blog. Fast and effective solutions. Even so, this is like only the second post of this week.

Did I tell you I am down with flu ? Again ? I mean craps ! I know I mentioned this before, but I cannot get over the fact that since I started my job, I've been on MC far too many times to my liking. I never used to be sick so often in my school days. Is it just me or is the environment getting pretty buggy ? Craps ! If I believe in conspiracy theories, I would definitely think some big, bugger nations are slowly releasing biological toxins around the world. Depresses the immune system and make people go wonky on each other. Easy enough to explain the monstrosities you read in the papers day in, day out.

Craps. I have a pounding headache. Everytime I coughed, the area around my forehead felt crushed to my skull. And if I don't cough, my throat scratched me to the point of insanity. Have I mentioned enough times that I hated being sick ? Going into whiny, bitchin' me, I'd probably would have been better off, taking a day's rest at home. But that would mean I would have no grounds to whine and bitch. Attention-seeking bitch, some of you might read, and yeah on some level I wanted to show the duckers (with an 'f') in management how much they would stand to lose should I decide to leave their *sniggers* fine establishment. All done in vain of course. No one here notice the plain wallflower consigned to the prep room. She meant nothing, she is nothing. That's the message I got from the oh M(anagement)ighty one. Craps.

So anyways, the reason for my writing in today is to ask a proverbial question. If your dearest told you that you are a lousy fuck, what do you do ? Do you, smile back and say, "I'll do better next time." or do you snapped back, "So are you asshole." ? Or would you cry your eyes out, reflect on what you did wrong or didn't dare do, break up with the dearest and poured your heart and soul on your weblog ?

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