silentscream Search

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Another public holiday

I hate this day. I hate the fakeness of the festivities. Everyone pretending that we are a normal family. We are not ! I hate the enforced goodwill I have to show when all I want to say is, "Get out of my farken house !" Why can't everyone just leave me well alone ? I don't want to socialise. I don't have the need to socialise. I don't see the need to. Most of all I hate all the pretense. Everyone with their own agendas and hidden motives.

If I can move without breaking hearts, I would have done it ages ago. As it is, in this society where I live, the only time when we break away from the nests is when we marry. A silly reason for independence because when you marry, you're not being independent. You are merely transferring your dependence from your parents to your spouse. Buying a decent flat here, you would have to be at least 35 years old, if you're single. I still have another decade to go. Tell me, should I just stay in cloistered away in my room ?

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