silentscream Search

Sunday, August 15, 2004

It's strange

why you always have the need to argue with the ones you care about. It's like everything is cool and fine and just that hair trigger moment, you start raising your voice as if the other person is hard of hearing. Take for example what just happened to me.

My mom was searching for her mobile and she asked me where it is. I told her it's where it usually is. She couldn't find it and gave me that accusatory look. I then helped her look for it and guess where it was ? In her bag ! She told me she looked or at least put her hand through and rummaged but couldn't find it. So I thought all was well, when she came in again and told me that she can't get rid of somethings on her phone.

I took a look, fiddled a little and voila ! And again she was not happy because the number kept popping up. So I showed her how to do it and again it showed up. By now we were both losing our cools. Finally I realised that the number pops because it's like the auto save for the address book. Told her so and told not to worry much. She went out of the room feeling a bit cheesed off. In a way I had called her stupid or inept (it was more she said it about herself and I didn't argue the point).

Now I am feeling the guilty pangs. Oh wells ... Gotta go bathe now.

BTW, it'd been a good lazy Sunday.

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