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Wednesday, August 04, 2004

The Jupitian - Interplanetary Visit by Samuel Kegan

You are hearing / reading this first here. Unless of course you had been surfing to Samuel's blogpage, then you would have read the great, big annoucement. For the uninitiated, Samuel's first book is going to be published by year's end. Okay, in a shameless bid for publicity and readership, please surf through to his page and read the synopsis of his first book. It will sort of whet your appetite, if the Sci-Fi genre is your thing. Well, it did mine because I've actually read one of the very first draft of the book. And I must say, the revisions did over the years should give it more flesh and blood. I applaud his courage. Really.

So anyway, Sam dear, Congratulations on the upcoming book !

And guys, watch this space for more updates !

Oh, and not to forget ...

Congratulations to Jerian for passing her driving test yesterday !!!

All my peeps are going places but I'll be here giving full support ! ::-:: Helena

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