silentscream Search

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Up like a light

I slept early last night. Early like, 9 pm early. Someone had even commented that I am hopeless just like 'em British babies. I asked why (though I was secretly pleased to be compared to babies. You know 'em cute, cuddly creatures. Just like that big, blue bunny with lush lashes !) and he said, we share the same bedtime. Saddo, or what ? But. I woke up with a start quarter to midnight. And stayed up until now (Oh, I was a little disappointed that I had missed CSI ! =()

A couple of reasons I just couldn't go back to sleep. And no, drugs OR caffeine were not the root cause. My non-conventional "drug" was one of my current reads. Yes, the book given the top most position on the right column. And no, I didn't rank them officially but unofficially, the book right at the top ? Is the one I just could not put down.

If I do not have to go to work, I would have finished it by now. And gone back to sleep, of course. I need to make up for lost time. So right after work, I am jumping straight into bed. Cosying up with that book of course !

Oh, the other reason (not so much reason as an excuse(!)) was because I did not want to miss my morning meal again today !

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