silentscream Search

Monday, November 01, 2004

Can we make pasta ? Please ?

So I sit here, thinking what should I write about on this glorious morning. I had written a couple of lines earlier on but the words sounded sappy and self absorbed. And sad. I figured, there is only so much sadness you can share with other people, the rest as they say, "belongs to you and only you".

A couple of teachers I took the school bus with this morning stated they had a good, restful weekend. It sort of made me think.

Did I have a good weekend ? Was what I did "good" for me ?? What then constitutes a good weekend ??? Spending precious time with family ? Having a great shopping trip ? Catching that good movie with fiends whom you hardly meet ? Reading and finishing that excellent book ? Picnic by the east coast ? Hot date ? What ????

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