silentscream Search
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Selamat to all
Year after year. Month after month. Week after week. As we breathe, we live. As we live, we breathe. And that my friends ... is existence.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Ayam Goreng Kremes
It's not easy ... Since there is no gift exchange this year. So no specific gifts to anyone. Just to add on to the festivities, I guess I should get gifts of appreciation, no ?
Monday, December 18, 2006
Connected, at last !
All in all, I am so very glad to be connected again.
Talking about connection, spoke to Sam on Saturday. I must admit, he did sound hot ! Hahaha ... You will never get me to reveal this anywhere else. Repeat this, and you will die ! Hahaha ... Yeah, Sam did sound hot (Jeez ! I've repeated twice !), which might have contributed that it was on speakerphone and voices are different on speakerphones. And that maybe I am a tad horny ! Haahaa ...
Talking about horny, well ... At work today, R asked if I was that. And because today is a bit of a madness day, I will admit. On that, I will end today's post and call him up. Hey, you need your outlet, no ?
Friday, December 15, 2006
He's walking away
Is there no loyalty left in this world ? Does the money issue always have to come into the equation ?
I believe in personal happiness and gratification. If you think you will be happier or that the grass is greener on the other side, then do it. Just do it. With a sense of purpose and bounce in your step, you have to live your life as you want it to be.
Just be happy with the decision you have made. Best of luck. And gooodbye, H. You've been a pal at work. :D
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Ooooh ... I gotta find another way
That is if I am still awake ...
Monday, November 27, 2006
Happy Feet !
I loved it ! No 2 ways about it. Voice characterisations were done well. Penguins were adorable and the scenery were realistically done.
It's technically not a kids' movie, since the songs were pretty vintage and classic. The jokes were bearable, providing laughs at a couple of points. There was a side moralistic view of the movie. Social awareness and love for the planet all done in about 90 minutes of reel, quirky cartoon beings.
I recommend it. Two thumbs up, yo !
Sunday, November 26, 2006
K-Wave part deux
Yes, me.
And I have finally googled the name of the K-drama I was nuts over.
It is Jewel in the Palace.
Aptly titled, don't you think ? I think so too.
I am now in the midst of reading the episode guide for all the earlier episodes I'd missed.
Ahhhh ... How then do I resist or stop myself from reading the future episodes which have yet to be shown on tv ? Spoilers, like the ones I'd nursed for Lost and Prison Break. How do I prevent my fingers from clicking to those unwatched episodes ?
I must not resist no more. Resistance is futile. :D
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Major treat
Calling in for pizza after the encore episode of Prison Break. It's been a while since I last had any. Mmmmmm .... Super Supreme .... Mmmmmmmm .... Wentworth Miller ... Mmmmmmmmm ....
All right, I thought I should give a treat to the family since I received my SAT invigilation cheque the day before yesterday. Banked it in yesterday. It will be cleared by Monday. And 'sides, it's pay day today !
Friday, November 24, 2006
We work not
It being the last work day of the week
It being the day before pay day
It being the Boss' half day off
It being a quiet, rainy 'noon
It being the day before Saturday !
It also being the day, he asked me.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Buddy Holly ~ Heartbeat
Heartbeat, why does a love kiss stay in my memory?
Riddle-dee-pat, I know that new love thrills me
I know that true love will be
Heartbeat, why do you miss when my baby kisses me?
Heartbeat, why do you skip when my baby's lips meet mine?
Heartbeat, why do you flip, then give me a skip beat sign?
Riddle-dee-pat, and sing to me love's story
And bring to me love's glory
Heartbeat, why do you miss when my baby kisses me?
I miss singing this song to him. Oh, I miss him ! All of him. :D
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Inline Hockey
Our boys (men) and girl gave them a thumping ! Eleven to nothing. The first four goals struck within the first 3 minutes of the game. Interesting, exciting and exhilarating stuff.
All thanks to double D. He was the man we (Mr G, JS and me) came to watch. Definitely a nice evening out for a midweek Wednesday.
Well, hey. There's always a first for something, no ?
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
So far so good.
A bit of a breather for the rest because the auditor will be talking to H and C. Might not be posting for a couple of days. I need to catch up on neglected work for today when I was with the auditor for the whole day, almost.
All be well. I definitely hope so.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Orgy ~ Blue Monday
When you've laid your hands upon me
And told me who you are
I thought I was mistaken
I thought I heard your words
Tell me, how do I feel
Tell me now, How do I feel
Those who came before me
Lived through their vocations
From the past until completion
They'll turn away no more
And I still find it so hard
To say what I need to say
But I'm quite sure that you'll tell me
Just how I should feel today
I see a ship in the harbor
I can and shall obey
But if it wasn't for your misfortunes
I'd be a heavenly person today
And I thought I was mistaken
And I thought I heard you speak
Tell me how do I feel
Tell me now, how should I feel
Now I stand here waiting...
I thought I told you to leave me
When I walked down to the beach
Tell me how does it feel
When your heart grows cold
My favourite angsty song. 'Nuff said.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Happy Birthday !
My sister, she is older than I am
She is older by a year and a half
However, if counting the years, it is 2
She is the leader
She is also the receiver
My sister, she is the one with 4
She is also the one with the firsts
I didn't think to be like her
Even though my youngest do aspire to be
My dad, he adores thee
My sister, thank you
For she is the eldest
The one who gets the blame (mostly)
For if she's not
I will be the eldest
And that is so not right !
Long life and joy and happiness always. Love you and Happy Birthday.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Changjin-pa !
Min Zheng-hao !
I am so losing it. Why ? I didn't even know the title of the show. I love it anyways !
Friday, November 17, 2006
Half and half
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Two's Company
Well. That's the premise of this Jill Mansell's book I managed to loan out from our good NLB.
Not forgetting a couple of other books. Ahhh ... I can see now how my weekend will be like. Hey, I'm psychic ! :D
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Patsy Cline ~ Crazy
I'm crazy ... crazy for feelin' so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted,
And then someday, you'd leave me for somebody new
Worry ... why do I let myself worry?
Wonderin' ... what in the world did I do?
Oh, crazy ... for thinkin' that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin', and crazy for cryin'
And I'm crazy for lovin' you
Crazy ... for thinkin' that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin', and crazy for cryin'
And I'm crazy for lovin' you
Written by Willie Nelson
This is my all time favourite track. Her voice ... Lovely.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Bugger off
So anyways, that's done. Seriously people, how do you guys ever managed to go on leave without any one from your office calling you ? I guess, I should have left instructions and stuff. Hey, but it's not my fault no. It's just that no one in the office even bothers to know what I'm down with. Ish, people. That's just so not cool, yeah ?
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I sleep, I dream
They stayed, ate and chatted until about 11 pm. Nice, eh ? I like the night visits because people has the tendency to stay for quite a bit to catch up.
I know, I gotta sleep soon. But not before I send an SMS over to Dins. She's making her way to the airport at this mo to catch her 6 am flight to the US. Not so bad, eh ? But don't forget it's to the US and usually the check in time must be at the very least 2 hours before take off. She's off to an exchange work do thingy. I'm so gonna miss her loads !
Have a safe journey, girl ! Enjoy and see you back in 2 weeks !
Saturday, November 11, 2006
On a plus point ...
I must say I did have a marvellous time with Y and Mother browsing level 1 of Seiyu. Little girl was being a slight *!tch because her bedtime's at 10 pm. Come on, live a little, it's Friday night. Then again, I can totally understand but there is no need to throw temper, no ?
Well, hope everyone's cool, yo !
Friday, November 10, 2006
Dinner = Fun times ?
Well ... I guess I'd give 5 marks for the food and 7.5 for the ambience out of a possible 10 points. 15 bucks a head for nasi kunyit/white rice, beef rendang, sotong curry, ikan bilis & groundnuts, dhal curry and some chicken dish. Major disappointment guys.
One word of advice, don't be taken in by some advert on tv. Mostly it is "indah rupa dari khabar" !
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Home. Room. Bed.
And so I will use the time wisely. I will watch last week's episode of Prison Break before taping tonight's so I can have an early night today.
Off to the bathroom, then. Toodles !
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Dieting ? Me ? Joke !
I have this damn anger in my chest and I don't know how to vent. I think I was okay at work but at home is a whole different scenario.
I think I will just coop up in my refuge. Let me just stew, away from the innocents. I am so afraid of what comes out of my mouth.
Bitchy, snide comments.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
My foot !
And then after showering, I accidentally kicked my metal stool with my right foot. Nice, right ? In just one day, I've like "killed" my feet.
I was actually quite unhappy over dinner. Mom cooked beef dhal and I went, "Ack !" So I pulled a face, skipped dinner and tried to sleep the earliest in a long while.
Before 8 pm, I checked the clock before switching off the light. So here I am supposedly asleep, a little after 8. I will shut down the PC after this.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Birthday and stuff
Had a girls' night out version of a Birthday dins for Mother. Managed to "tricked" her into buying shoes. B-dae prezzies. Oh, well ... I'd been hard at work to find something she liked and this was like the final icing on the cake.
So is everything back to normal ? Well ... My feelings are ambivalent at best with her. Part of me is still unwilling to "bother" much while another part wishes that the past few events had not happened. But they did and I still feel that bit of betrayal.
So then. Life goes on, no ?
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Every little bit helps
We laughed, shared a couple of jokes and say goodbyes, hoping to meet again on Monday. God forbids if I should not want to mix around ever again.
Say ... How much does it cost to re-charge one's batteries ?
Friday, November 03, 2006
So everything turns out pretty much okay this time round. All the best for the next round, yeah ?
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Bust up
Therefore, I had only a couple of choices. To let this fester and spoil our working relationship or to get it cleared up.
I chose the latter. Was I glad that I apologise first ? Yes. I was damn glad the misunderstanding got cleared up. It would be a damn shame if we ceased being good working pals.
Okay ... I'm really knacked out now. Went jalan-jalan with Mother and Y to Chinatown, hoping to get some cheap toiletries. I just ended up drooling over some cool shoes in Metro and a bottle of Green Tea Shampoo to show for all the walk-about.
Oh, not to mention missing my episode of Prison Break. Ahhh ... Wentworth Miller. Hot !
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Got them !
The mug and games, haha. I'm wrapping them up now. I hope she adores them ! All my walking and hard work. :D
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Rain on my face, feels soo lovely
Let me just state that it's not a good idea to wait out the rain. You never know what time the heavens will decide to stop pissing the earth.
Lucky for me to have gotten the mug and wrapping paper yesterday. One less worry, no ?
You know, I do wonder whay do I go through all this trouble. I will still be "stabbed" once I lose my usefulness. Such is life.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Money come, money go
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Making Up Your Mind
I guess that there is only so much sizzling chemistry one can create after that many books. One tends to try really hard not to repeat scenes. I guess my favourite of all the JM's books I've read so far is still Millie's Fling. Her guy's hot there. *sizzles*
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Saturday, I'm in love !
Love and pain comes together. We have always done some things that had caused us pain. Be the pain physical or emotional, we need the sado-masochism to survive. Many a times we find that we are incomplete if we have total bliss.
With that joy, we will know the drop in feeling will arrive, be it sooner or later. That is how the human body works. We have our highs when the feel good hormones course through our blood vessels, affecting both the cells and nervous system. Then once the feel good hormones get used up, we fall. Down low, so low that some times we have the tendency to think of weird, self pitying thoughts.
Case in point, me.
So PMS is the major cause of the moodiness ? Wrong. It's mainly how the people around you behave that contributes to the major cow-like behaviour. I will be the first to say that how bad (or good) I act is dependent on the crowd around me at the moment. So.
Three words for this weekend:
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Here's to the good times
So anyways, I went yesterday evening, just before the rain poured down. Bought the book voucher for Y and decided to meet up with Kav. I went round to Centrepoint where she was just done from her meet up with Chloe. Walked around a bit, then she mentioned she wanted to go down to Hartford to pay for her Convo event. I suggested that we went anyways since we were already out.
Then guess who was there as well ?
Chloe !
Coincidental. Why ? Well, it was just before when we were at Centrepoint, Kav suggested I go say hello to her at Coffeebean since she was meeting her friend there. When we popped by Coffeebean, she had left and so I told Kav that if we were fated to meet, we will see each other.
Fate, or what ? Hehe ... So the girls settled their stuff (Kav - paying for extra tix for the Convo & Chloe - to not attend the Convo and find out how to get her cert), while I stood around like a berk. The cute fella was on duty and I tried to act nonchalant. Not very successful, coz I was trying hard to be coy and hmmmm ... flirty ? Well ... No matter.
Eventually the matter got settled and we went our separate ways. Chloe, back to office and Kav and I back home (have to work tomorrow, you know !).
Wonder when we'll meet again ...
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
It's a nice long soak
I am on leave today. It's pretty quiet compared to yesterday's festivities. I know, I know ... I relished the quiet times.
The eldest niece cut school today. The excuse was because the other family's gonna go visiting. WTH, mans ! Whatever happened to the weekends ? Don't they ever think ? Teaching kids to cut school, even if it's kindie ? Come on people, you have to teach them young, no ? Sheesh ... !
On the plus side, it's pay day today ! Yay !!!
It's threatening to rain. I need to get something for Y for her final b-day pressie.
*crosses fingers*
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri !!
To all my friends whom I've not contacted for long, I seek your forgiveness for my lapses. To those who had pissed me off, be it before, now and future, whatever. You do what you want. You answer to your God.
To whose with kind wishes, thank you so very much. Happy Pub Hol, all !!
Monday, October 23, 2006
The last day
What an experience for me. As always, it was an invigorating month. Willpower and faith and belief. What a blessing.
Thank you for providing me an opportunity to be tested.
The Mamas & The Papas ~ Monday, Monday
Monday mornin', it was all I hoped it would be
Oh Monday mornin', Monday mornin' couldn't guarantee
That Monday evenin' you would still be here with me
Monday, Monday, can't trust that day
Monday, Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way
Oh Monday mornin' you gave me no warnin' of what was to be
Oh Monday, Monday, how could you leave and not take me
Every other day, every other day
Every other day of the week is fine, yeah
But whenever Monday comes, but whenever Monday comes
A-you can find me cryin' all of the time
Monday, Monday, so good to me
Monday mornin', it was all I hoped it would be
But Monday mornin', Monday mornin' couldn't guarantee
That Monday evenin' you would still be here with me
Every other day, every other day
Every other day of the week is fine, yeah
But whenever Monday comes, but whenever Monday comes
A-you can find me cryin' all of the time
Monday, Monday, can't trust that day
Monday, Monday, it just turns out that way
Oh Monday, Monday, won't go away
Monday, Monday, it's here to stay
Oh Monday, Monday
Oh Monday, Monday
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Out again
Still looking for shoes. Also, I needed to return a library book. So off we went to search for the said heels, at the shops around the bus interchange. Within 5 minutes at the first shop, my sis snagged herself a pair of wedge. Argghhh ... We could have saved this trouble yesterday, eh ?
No matter, we had moments of fun. So we then went round looking for nice heels for Ayu. She said that she want to get boots. Boots with heels. Phwoar ! My niece, the femme fatale !
Then we headed off to Geylang Serai, hoping to get nice cookies and shoes there. Well, half of the items were accomplished with not much time wasted. I am such an easy shopper. :D
And then we went home. But not before the mom queued for some nice Otah and Pulut Panggang.
On the bus ride home, a little hitch. Apparently another passenger got into a fracas with the bus driver. We were just a few metres away from the bus stop we boarded the bus and then we had to stop for thirty freakin' minutes. That set my ETA by at least forty minutes back ! My Veronica Mars !!!
The stupid passenger was stupid enough to argue with the driver. Just freakin' tap your freakin' EZ-Link card, you old fart ! Men are so stupid ! As a result, all the passengers have to take another bus of the same service later.
Come on, it's freakin' 5 pm in the evening and everyone wanted to get home in time for the breaking fast. Again, stupid men. Why ? Because suddenly, everyone was blaming the bus driver. Freakin' hell. Mob mentality, people. Chill !
So then a bus conductor was despatched. After which the police got involved. *sighs*
And then we left them behind as another bus came along. A free ride, until we had to pay. We paid with our time, yo !
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Bushed. Whacked.
Yeah, that's because I've been walking about Orchard Road today. With the mom, elder sis and the 2 eldest nieces.
The main excuse ? To buy new Hari Raya heels for the sis and nieces. I was also planning to get a belated pressie for Aaliyah and scout around for something nice for Kav. First stop was to Taka, hoping to spend my vouchers.
HELL ! Expensive items, even my sis was cheesed off ! Then we started walking, Lucky Plaza, Paragon, Far East Plaza.
Madness !
Dragging the poor nieces around like a sack of rice.
Decided to break fast outside but in all of our eagerness to get a momento for the day out, missed the boat and all tables were occupied. Disgusting, these people ! As a result, the mom was pissed. And sulky. Not helping are the nieces, especially Ayu. Eeks ! Put the fire out, pronto !
Finally we made a wee stop at Bugis Village. Nice place, my sis got herself 3 pairs of dangly. Nice, really nice.
Took a bus home and saw Geylang Serai was swamped with people. Hoardes of people walking about, albeit aimlessly.
Happy Deepavali !!!
To all my Hindu friends, Happy Deepavali. And Happy New Year (in advance !) !!!
Come then ... all the goodies ... Invite me, invite me .... :D
Friday, October 20, 2006
So much to do, so little time
Silly me had completely forgotten that today is the eve of a Pub Hol ! Deepavali's tomorrow ! Goodness, and there I was stuck in Little India because traffic was absolutely horrendous ! I'd said it again, horrendous !!!
Never again. Some one please throttle me on the head should I ever be tempted to venture out on the eve of a Pub Hol !
Seriously !
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Ooh ... My eyes
Sending email to people is pure hell. Especially for over twenty people. How do spammers do it ? Oh, they have 'bots to them hard work for them.
Announcements sent via email for the internal audit next week for the auditees.
Then there are some yokels with maxed out mailbox.
Seriously people.
Clean up your freakin' mailbox, yeah ? Like how difficult can it be ?
Now instead of informing everyone and finishing that task today, I have to re-send to a couple of jokers whose mailbox were full.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
But It Sure Is Hard Enough
I'll try my best with all the distractions abound.
Wish me luck !
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Play nice, be nice
I almost applaud myself for being such a nice, congenial personality today. So after the exam, I settled my most happy face and walked out together.
Perhaps I am deluding myself, but then there are people who have been "sent" to test you.
By God, I will pass the test !!
I'm exhausted. Gonna crash now. Talk later !
Friday, October 13, 2006
The Name of the Game
Evaluation, appraisal, whatever but it was 2 hours long. Some of the things said did make sense.
I tried not to be bitter. I tried not to seethe. Others just flew over my head. I nodded obligingly, hoping to get over it asap. No such luck.
He had time to burn but I didn't. Only I was too polite to say.
The BBS was on half day today, good I said. Pretending to care, only that I don't give a FF. So, whatever.
My brain cells, God. I am demented, okay I know that.
So gotta go back to work. I need proper rest.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Ghost Trains
Well, I came back from leave today and got a "dressing down" from BBS. Indecisive, can't make decisions.
Bull !
Now I know. People play that kind of game all the time. All the damn time. So you pretend innocence and complain to the boss. Big freakin' deal. I now know that perhaps I should play the same game. Whatever. Cold shoulders won't work, would it ? I'll just pretend, then. Part of me will smirk at the efforts.
Please, not even an olive branch extended. Not even a word to tell me I've been "reported". But, seriously. Whatever.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I've done a couple of things that needed to be done. I've updated my podcasts on my ipod. Strange thing is that I've been listening to Nature podcasts. English accents, bring them on.
I was just telling Y and R yesterday how Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life was one hot movie. Angelina Jolie pulled a mean English accent although there were times when you can detect her American accent. Gerard Butler's character as Terry Sheridan was hot. Love the Irish brogue. He's so hot, he sizzled ! :D
The story line was so-so but the African rainforest shot was excellent. Gorgeous leads, incredible scenery, challenging scenes, what more could a girl ask for ?
Monday, October 09, 2006
Blue canvasses
I bet you my left nut they were bitching about me. Well, not all about me, of course. I am not egoistical like that. And no, I don't have any nuts, of any kind as I am writing this. So there, I know. Come on, how obvious can people get ? Closed door, the who's who converging in one enclosed space. I must be nuts not to think some cookout story is about to come out.
I am paranoid. Check. Discussion of the haze. Check. Photo taking glory. Check.
Somehow, it just revolves on the fact that she's right and everybody else be damn. So. Whatever. All I know is that before long, another newly imposed policy will be hanging on our door. It happened to R, and I bet you my right nut that partial oversight was not even partitioned to them. But, whatever right ? As long as we are made to look like shit. And inefficient. As always, we are the inefficient ones.
Long hours in the office ? We are inefficient. Avoidable mistakes ? We are inefficient. Not standing around chit-chatting ? We are inefficient. If efficiency is our motto, we would leave work late anyway, after spending 2 hours bitching aka coffeeshop sessions.
So there. I ranted. My blog, my prerogative. But then again, with or without me writing, I get bitched anyways. But, whatever right ? Who gives a shit, eh ?
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Oh, you make me dizzy
So enough about the chick lit. I have just started on Jonathan Kellerman's Rage. Pretty good, as always. Got me hooked good. I am now breaking for Veronica Mars on the gogglebox. Surprisingly good characterisation, that show.
Right. Talk soon.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Hazy, Lazy Saturday Night
It's worse that the irritating mobile users hanging around buses.
It leaves people red-eyed and with breathing difficulties.
As you have guessed by now.
It's the dreaded four lettered H word.
PSI reading = 150
Friday, October 06, 2006
Pretty in pink
It's not just any old baju kurung. Admittedly it is at least a couple of years old but it's still brand new. I have worn it a sum total of ... (drum rolls) One !
Amazing but true, today was the first time I wore the baju, having bought it 2 Hari Rayas ago.
Compliments, sincere or otherwise were lobbed towards me. So what's a girl to do ?
Preen. Pose. Curtsy. Smile winningly. Put out a half wave.
Thank you. Thank you.
Stay tuned for more crazy antics next week !
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Terminal Headcase
I try to be nasty but people will stay away from me.
A terminal head case, I am known to be.
Live and let live. I will ignore the jibes, like water off a duck's back. I will grit my teeth and play nice tomorrow.
But for tonight, leave me to stew.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Robbie Williams ~ Misunderstood
But it didn't do me any good
I always seem to start a fight
I'd break my heart to make things right
Let them all fly off
When it comes down it all comes down
And you will not be found
When it's over it's all over
And even if you make a sound
You'll be misunderstood
By the beautiful and good in this city
But none of it was planned
Take me by the hand
Just don't try and understand
Trying to be misunderstood
Another product of my childhood
Still I find myself outside
You can't say I haven't tried
Perhaps I tried too hard
No excuses I won't apologise
Or justify your lies
Come and find me tell them to me
Now look me in the eyes
I'll be misunderstood
By the beautiful and good in this city
But none of it was planned
Take me by the hand
Just don't try and understand
I can't forgive sorry to say
Don't know you're guilty anyway
Isn't it funny how we don't speak
The language of love?
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Jennifer Lopez & Marc Antony ~ No Me Ames
De felicidad
Y porque te ahogas
Por la soledad
Di porque me tomas
Fuerte así, mis manos
Y tus pensamientos
Te van llevando
Yo te quiero tanto
Y porque será
Loco testarudo
No lo dudes más
Aunque en el futuro
Haya un muro enorme
Yo no tengo miedo
Quiero enamorarme
No me ames
Porque pienses
Que parezco diferente
Tu no piensas que es lo justo
Ver pasar el tiempo junto
No me ames
Que comprendo
La mentira que seria
Si tu amor no merezco
No me ames
Mas quédate otro día
No me ames
Porque estoy perdido
Porque cambie el mundo
Porque es el destino
Porque no se puede
Somos un espejo
Y tú así serias
Lo que yo de mi reflejo
No me ames
Para estar muriendo
Dentro de una guerra
Llena de arrepentimientos
No me ames
Para estar en tierra
Quiero alzar el vuelo
Con tu gran amor
Por el azul del cielo
No se que decirte
Esa es la verdad
Si la gente quiere
Sabe lastimar
Tú y yo partiremos
Ellos no se mueven
Pero en este cielo
Sola no me dejes
No me dejes, no me dejes
No me escuches
Si te digo "no me ames"
No me dejes, no desarmes
Mi corazón con ese "no me ames"
No me ames, te lo ruego
Mi amargura déjame
Sabes bien, que no puedo
Que es inútil
Que siempre te amare
No me ames
Pues te haré sufrir
Con este corazón que
Se lleno de mil inviernos
No me ames
Para así olvidarte
De tus días grises
Quiero que me ames
Solo por amarme
No me ames
Tú y yo volaremos
Uno con el otro
Y seguiremos siempre juntos
Este amor es como el sol que sale
Tras de la tormenta
Como dos cometas
En la misma estela
No me ames
No me ames
No me ames
No, no me ames
No me ames
No me ames
No me ames
Monday, October 02, 2006
Happy Birthday !!!
Happy Birthday, Sam.
Joy and success to follow where you may walk.
A lifetime of thank yous for the friend you are.
Blessed journey, I wish you all the best.
Due date: 23 October 2006
I am seriously mad. Or greedy. Which ever way you look at it, I have currently 12 books loaned by the generous National Library Board. Today when I went to post the mail, I popped by CCK with Mother and Y. When they went to have their lunch, I went the other way (up) to the smallish NLB branch. And boy, what a trip. I found 3 JM's and an SB books I have not read yet. The JM's are Nadia Knows Best, Falling For You and Good At Games and SB's is White Hot.
Alas ! I have maxed out my borrowal limit just 2 days ago. So I had to resort to something I have never done before outside the family. I simply had to borrow 'em books and so I asked Mother and Y if they could let me loan the books under their membership. Gasps ! Yeah, unthinkable. So anyways, to cut the whole begging scene short (it was really tiny. Minute even. :D), I am now half way through GAG.
I just had to stop and write. Thanks, Y. I promise not to cause undue late returns and subsequent fines. I'll pay if I should incur any, I promise. :D
Best get back to the books then, eh ?
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Going on to the last quarter of 2006
It seemed to be zipping by in the flash of light. It's October. The exam month. The month where work's done double time to prevent forwarding to the new year. Weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds past by.
The earth revolves another cycle round the sun. Anyone care to take a listen ?
Nothing good on tv today. Not even Las Vegas tonight. Bum !
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Tired. No, plain exhausted !
I have just reached home from the library. Borrowed 8 books, managed to find a Jane Green (The Other Woman), Freya North (Love Rules), Jonathan Kellerman (Rage), Jenny Colgan (Where Have All The Boys Gone ?) and Louise Bagshawe (Monday's Child). All serious books. Okay, some more than the others.
After breaking fast, I quickly made my way down to prevent additional fines. So now that I am back, a quickie post, a quickie meal and a long, languorous reading time.
Friday, September 29, 2006
I am on leave
Yesh, yesh ...
Boy am I glad to be away from work on the first day I start my fast. I don't think I could have stand the acclimatising of my body to go without food or drink in front of the public.
I'd just die !
Hahaha ... Dramatics, that honey, I am never short of.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Isn't she lovely ?
So anyways, I left my work place less than 2 hours ago. Make that an hour, twenty minutes ago. I was all tied up in completing my outstanding tasks to even bother to look at the clock. As always, I was the last one to leave the office. Seeing that I will be on leave tomorrow, I just had to burn my midnight oil so as not to delay my colleagues' tasks.
I am considerate like that. Silly, you may think. There I was stuck in the office for more that 12 hours just so I can take a full day off tomorrow.
Ahah .. ! You don't know. That if I had opted for a half day leave, I will be at work for the whole day.
Ah wells, the story of my life. :D
One plus point though, I will finally join the rest of my sisters and brothers in observing the holy month of Ramadhan. Auntie Rosie's visit had finally ended *YAY !*. Abstinence, major key word. No more coffee, ahhhh ... My one and only true love now. :)
Right then. I had better end this here. I am in the middle of composing an email to R with regards to some outstanding things for tomorrow. I have faith everything will go without a hitch.
Everybody now, generate the positive thinking.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Johnny Mathis ~ Misty
I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree
And I feel like I'm clinging to a cloud
I can't understand,
I get misty just holding your hand.
Walk my way,
And a thousand violins begin to play
Or it might be the sound of your hello
That music I hear,
I get misty the moment you're near
You can say that you're leading me on
But it's just what I want you to do
Don't you notice how hopelessly I'm lost
That's why I'm following you.
On my own,
Would I wander through this wonderland alone
Never knowing my right foot from my left,
My hat from my glove,
I'm too misty, and too much in love.
Herman's Hermits ~ Mrs Brown
Girls as sharp as her are somethin' rare
But it's sad, she doesn't love me now
She's made it clear enough it ain't no good to pine
She wants to return those things I bought her
Tell her she can keep them just the same
Things have changed, she doesn't love me now
She's made it clear enough it ain't no good to pine
Walkin' about, even in a crowd, well
You'll pick her out, makes a bloke feel so proud
If she finds that I've been round to see you (round to see you)
Tell her that I'm well and feelin' fine (feelin' fine)
Don't let on, don't say she's broke my heart
I'd go down on my knees but it's no good to pine
Walkin' about, even in a crowd, well
You'll pick her out, makes a bloke feel so proud
If she finds that I've been round to see you (round to see you)
Tell her that I'm well and feelin' fine (feelin' fine)
Don't let on, don't say she's broke my heart
I'd go down on my knees but it's no good to pine
Mrs. Brown, you've got a lovely daughter
Mrs. Brown, you've got a lovely daughter
Mrs. Brown, you've got a lovely daughter
Johnny Mathis ~ Chances Are
The moment you come into view,
Chances are you think that I'm in love with you.
Just because my composure sort of slips
The moment that your lips meet mine,
Chances are you think my heart's your Valentine.
In the magic of moonlight,
When I sigh, "Hold me close, dear,"
Chances are you believe the stars
That fill the skies are in my eyes.
Guess you feel you'll always be
The one and only one for me
And, if you think you could,
Well, chances are your chances are awfully good.
(Instrumental interlude and pick up at the bridge.)
In the magic of moonlight,
When I sigh, "Hold me close, dear,"
Chances are you believe the stars
That fill the skies are in my eyes.
Guess you feel you'll always be
The one and only one for me
And, if you think you could,
Well, chances are your chances are awfully good.
I gotta wait for the Summer
However today, it seems as though the storm's over.
Everyone expected a showdown ala a Western flick. And nothing happened...
No confrontations, no shouting, no fighting.
It's a good thing because at the very least that someone was calm and rational. Shit happens all the damn time. Move on. Get over it. Whatever it may be.
There is no point in losing your temper. People might just view you as a mental case.
The best option is to keep oneself to oneself.
C'est la vie !
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Puss in boots
Anyways, I have been trying to spend more time with my niece. I miss her loads.
So here I am sitting in front of the computer listening to a few episodes of the "Once Upon A Time .. " stories. She's been asking a whole lot questions and I'm trying to explain it to her in Malay. A language she understands pretty well and one that I'd slowly lost grasp in. Funny, this is supposed to be my mother tongue. Harhar ... Who's laughing now ?
Monday, September 25, 2006
Too real is this feeling of make believe
Going by the initials H.M., expectations that he would be crowned were pulsating in the air.
Then he was announced as the victor.
J.L. had to bow to him gracefully.
Ultimately we all know the deserving winner is the talent inherent in the last 2 finalists.
Enjoy, guys !
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Wish upon a star
Well, we will know tomorrow evening when the phone lines close and the votes tallied.
Will we demand a recount ?
Will we want to see how the votes are divided ?
For more, "tune in" tomorrow. Until then, "Ta!"
No way to treat a lady
I looked over to my right, longingly at my mattress. But everytime I lie down, I am wracked from the sharp pains of my abdominal wall. I rub my tummy and the hurt disappears until I stopped the circular motions.
I never used to have any pains. I go through the monthlies relatively without any incidents or accidents. My hormones are out of whacked this month ? Perhaps.
Ah, mans. Perhaps the old remedy of hot water bottle will help. Wish me luck, guys.
Happy breaking fast, all !
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Good advice
Don't Create a War Zone in Your Workplace
4. Taking credit for others' hard work
From time to time, one may need to work with several colleagues on any particular job or assignment. Should it happened that you were praised for a job well done, it would be good to share the glory with your team mates. If you make it look like you did it all on your own, your colleagues would probably avoid and dump you for good the next time you need their help.
5. Sharing dirty jokes
It's fine to tell a joke occasionally but not dirty jokes, especially to the opposite sex. It's not funny to find yourself accused of sexual discrimination by your colleagues one day.
6. Talking down to your colleagues
Even if you are a manager, do not talk down to your colleagues or subordinates. Your condescending attitude will cause them to resent you.
For more tips, please click the title link.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Can we try just a little bit longer?
I've just finished my late night supper, trying to not fall asleep too soon after the meal.
I am sitting in front of the PC, trawling the internet for something to occupy time while the food gets settled in the stomach. Surfing to a number of sites to access some cool web games, aside from checking my email accounts and updating my blog.
Talk to me via MSN, people.
I am bored. Feeling a tad hot and bothered.
Chat me up.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Those rockin' good times
Then this morning I saw her online on MSN. So being the social (aka nosy) butterfly that I am, I started a conversation with her. She is well and her mother's better. Funny that we have never saw each other in all this time before even though we lived not that far apart. It's not as though she stays in the Northern part of this island and I am stuck at the Eastern side.
I am really glad that we chatted and caught up. Perhaps one day we may even be able to meet up with the rest of the gang. :D
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
She was too young to fall in love
There is a tomorrow. I am on leave !
So there.
Good night people. Sleep early !
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I sure am in need of a good whack at the side of the head. :D
Monday, September 18, 2006
Some people's destiny, passes by
I really heart my nieces and nephew.
Not to be outdone, three of my kitties followed me wherever I went. When I popped into the kitchen for a bit, Kiki ran after me. When I went to my room, Ranbow ran ahead of me. And now, Bujang's rubbing his body against my leg as I am writing this. Hmmm ... All the male cats are after me. Quite the pheromones I'm releasing. Hahaha ... Quite the catch I am !
I heart my cats, all 5 of them.
It really is true then. Young kids and pets are really good antidote for life's stresses.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
The Manhattan Transfer ~ On A Little Street In Singapore
With me - beside a lotus covered door
A veil of moonlight on her lovely face
How pale the hands that held me in embrace
My sails tonight are filled with perfume of shalimar
With temple bells that guide me to her shore
And then I hold you in my arms
And love the way I loved before
On a little street in Singapore
On a little street in Singapore
With me - beside a lotus covered door
A veil of moonlight on her lovely face
How pale the hands that held me in embrace
To commemorate the 2006 Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group in Singapore
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Be nicer to people when I come back from leave.
I am such a b****. After my leave yesterday, I come back to office to a messier table and an irritating gnat. Arrgghhh ... Pissed ...
I would appreciate it if people would just give me space. I need to clear my table, my mailbox and stuff.
So, f*** off. Don't bother me with the silly things. Let me talk to you in my own time. And if I don't. Piss off.
As such. I must be nicer to people. Actions and not just words. No more griting of teeth. No more forced cordiality. Genuine niceness.
I will survive.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Clearing, clearing, cleared !
I have some more days of leave from last year to clear. Then I can move on to this year's. Freaking 16.5 days of annual.
Freak !
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Walk On By ~ Dionne Warwick
And I start to cry each time we meet
Walk on by, walk on by
Make believe
That you don't see the tears
Just let me grieve
In private cause each time I see you
I break down and cry
And walk on by (don't stop)
And walk on by (don't stop)
Walk on by
I just can't get over losing you
And so if I seem broken and blue
Walk on by, walk on by
Foolish pride
Is all that I have left
So let me hide
The tears and the sadness you gave me
When you said goodbye
Walk on by (don't stop)
Walk on by (don't stop)
Walk on by (don't stop)
Walk on
Walk on by, walk on by
Foolish pride
That's all that I have left
So let me hide
The tears and the sadness you gave me
When you said goodbye
Walk on by (don't stop)
Walk on by (don't stop)
Now you really gotta go, so walk on by
(don't, don't stop)
Make believe you never see the tears I cry
(don't, don't stop)
Monday, September 11, 2006
Wash away my sorrow, take away my pain
Absolute bliss.
I've already made plans for my leave this coming Wednesday.
Then on Thursday evening I'd be meeting up with Kav. Poor dear was out for quite sometime because of her back. Apparently her lumbar shifted. I know, I know ... A pain is what it is.
So there, I've made plans for some days of the week. The rest ? I am still open for scheduling. Drop me a text message if any of you do miss me desperately. :D
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I long for yesterday
I woke up late, read, had a short nap, had a late meal, read, another nap and then tv time. Right now, I am watching Boston Legal on Ch 5. What a weird show.
Then it's bed time and wake up for another work day.
Today was a good day, no doubt about it.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
The One You Really Want
Phew, what a day !
I went to The Book Warehouse Sale at Singapore Expo. Initially I thought it would be some crummy sale but it turned out to be the collection from Times Bookshop. Fiction paperbacks were going for 4 - 6 bucks and the hardbacks were going for 7 - 10 bucks a piece. I went around hoping to find TMOA or even any JM or SB books but sad to say all the bestsellers were not the ones on sale. Although I still managed to part with 20 bucks for 5 books. I got a Meg Cabot and a Fiona Gibson. Looks good. R managed to get a couple of books for his pals too. All in all not that lousy an afternoon. Oh. And R was a good company, I must admit.
On the way home, I popped by Ayu's Sports Day a few blocks away. Quite an athelete that niece of mine. Her team won second place in the hula-hoop event. Yay, for the munchkin. Now she's got a trophy to rival my plaque ! Har-har ...
Finally, I went to Bedok library. To return the dued books and also to borrow loads more. I have the timing to get fun reads down pat. Saturday at around 1845-ish is the perfect time to be in the library. Any earlier or later will result in all the good books being loaned out. Trust me. Once is a coincidence, twice is definitely not !
Exhaustion !
Not just from the non stop activity of zipping about but also from the remnants of last evening's games session. I need to sleep ! However, I really, really want to start on my books ! I absolutely cannot wait.
Oh, for the record I managed to find another JM's book during my visit to BECL. That makes it a hundred percent track record of finding her books during my visits. Does it mean there is another soul who is just as crazy for her books as I am ? *thinks*
Right then. Another long-ish post. Before I leave this world into the fiction realm, let me just wish Fie:
I miss you loads, when can we hang out ? Soon, please !
Friday, September 08, 2006
I roll the dice but never show my hand
That was some badminton game I had with Mr G. It got my heart pumping and my muscles flexing. All in all it was a great evening, to end an ordinary day. I finally found out what mini tennis was all about. Playing against Y was no easy task. Although it would be great if more of my work mates could join us for half an hour or so.
We (Y, R & R) started at about 1745 and played for about half an hour before Mr G came back from Changi and joined us. Towards the end, H joined us for a game of table tennis. Before we realised it, the time had gone quarter past 7 ! What a workout for the heart ! I wish, we could have this organised more often as participation in recreational sports would really be a good lesson in camaraderie among staff.
Afterall, part of the perks of working in a school is to be able to utilise some of the sports facilities. Perhaps another time we could have a game of pool or even have a swimming session at Mother's pool !
That's the way it should be
It was the year Ayu was born. The year my elder sister got married. The year I graduated from TP. The year I joined SFMS.
Personally, year 2001 was a favourite of mine. It was the year I turned 20. The year when I realised that life is transitory. What you make of it is the choices you had taken or will take.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Two thumbs, leftie and rightie
The current favourite slot every week nights at 2200 hrs is My Lovely Samsoon, which is shown on Channel U.
After having watched only 2 full episodes back to back, I am 100% hooked, ain't no doubt about it. The witty lines and the telegenic leads just reel the viewers to another escapism outlet. It also helps to have a funky theme track with really cool songs featured in every episode.
Watch the dramedy before it ends next Thursday. Another 5 episodes to go. You can bet your bottom dollar I'd be looking for the VCD to catch the earlier missed episodes !
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Smiley faces all round
I am all alone in the office. BBS's on half day leave, JS's on medical leave, Ellen, R and Mr G are all out for their midday meal.
I am stoning in front of the computer, having the time of my life. Well, not exactly my life, of course. As you can see, I am rambling on.
I LOVE the term BREAKS !
Monday, September 04, 2006
The kids going, "NO !"
So I will soon have a nice refreshing shower. Then I'm going to vegetate my brain cells. By going to bed early that is. Loads of work to complete tomorrow.
Birthday girl is having a good time. Both my sisters and their hubbies dropped by. All in all, quite a night. :D
Sunday, September 03, 2006
To a very special little person
I will then be home and hand over the present to my lovely and absolutely favourite niece. She will tear into the wrapping and unearth ....
Tell me now, what should I get for a three year old little girl ?
Baby girl, your aunt loves you. Always know that when your chips are down or when you feel like no one understands nor care for you.
You are special, Aaliyah Shakira.
Happy Birthday !!!
My best wishes and prayers are forever with you.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Shop, shop, shop !
Let's just say, I had the best day in like so many months. As mentioned in the previous post, I started work early and office hours ended at half past midday. My plan was to go down to Holland V with my mom to scout around for an outfit to the Staff Dinner. Mom plead ill and so I went with Mother and Ian.
We had a blast ! Ian got him a couple of dressy shirts and Mother got her a pair of pants and skirt. Me ? I had the biggest haul ! A blowsy skirt for the dinner. Top it with a nice, white long-sleeved round necked and a jacket which was dark blue with white polka dots. Accessorised with lodestone and crystal blue beaded necklace and matching dangly earrings and my scruffy boots ! My pride and joy !
I also got me a couple of pairs of "home" shorts, work pants and get this, a pseudo afghan sweater. If I had been a little bit splashy, I would have gotten a red turtle-necked afghan sweater that just scream "Flashy!".
I had fun trying out the different skirts and dresses. Haha. To think I used to scoff at the very idea of wearing dresses. I was most definitely happy with the positive responses I received when I arrived at the restaurant with Y. You can say I was preening and loving the feel of the silky skirt on my bare legs. I think I might have been prancing about a little too much just to see the skirt move. Lovely.
The reason for the dressy affair was because I received my 5 year long service award. Haha. It's been 5 years since I started at SFMS as a lowly lab tech. Now look where I can be now. I am really thankful to my bosses for their confidence in my abilities. I didn't get to make a speech though there were a number of people whom I would thanked who had the presence of mind to allow me to grow. It was never easy but giving certain responsibilities can really test a person's mettle. I am glad I was able to provide a little help. :D
I know, I am writing a little too much for a really early morning post. I hope none of you had fallen asleep !
So anyways, I will try to get hold of some pix of earlier from R and R and link up here. Given the fact that I am rambling on now, I'd better sign off now. The effects of the walk from RELC to Forum is finally rearing its head, even after an extreme ice blended. I guess the adrenaline level is plummeting really fast and before I crash and bled out, Good night and Good luck !
Happy Teacher's Day to all my teacher friends and colleagues. I hope you guys have had as much fun as I did this year ! *beams*
Friday, September 01, 2006
As time goes by
"Why does she always do that ? Is she so hardworking ? Or is it because she's trying to put everyone down with her so-called punctuality ?"
Let me just be fair to everybody who is dying to know. I like to be in the office early. I guess I like the solitude of not being in the midst of all those daily chaos. It's perhaps a throwback of my lab days. Working in the labs by myself, alone but not lonely. I like the quiet, you might say. And so, I come in early to be by myself. Not just to impress my Bosses or sneer at others who have trouble with concept of punctuality.
I do have my bad moments. I am not perfect, you know. I do come in a little late sometimes and I feel a whole lot of guilt, even though I think it's not really justified. Well, rational thoughts don't figure when you just realised you missed the bus, no ?
And definitely a plus point in coming in early to work ? I don't have to jostle with the other people, who also happen start work at 9, on the public transport. No peak hour period to avoid, journey's a bliss. All of the one and a half of them to reach the office.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Bonkers, conkers, wonkers !
Can someone out there, with extra dosh splash on a new mobile for me ? I am not asking for Nokia N80 or even an O2 phone. Just get me Motorola A1200 or if that's such a rare find, I might even settle for A760 or A768i.
I don't need a teeny, tiny phone. Give me a clamshell, bulky or otherwise and I'd be grateful for life. :)
So from tomorrow onwards, I am setting up the Buy-Hel-A1200 kitty. On top of the Hel's-Wedding-Expenses kitty. And I shall chip in cent for cent donation. Pretty please ?
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Life without you is gonna be bluer than blue
My first thought was that I'd started it with Fie and *ahems* as a means of keeping in touch with each other. Before long, I became the only one who regularly post and eventually I decided to keep my own.
And so the reason I keep on posting was for my own posterity. I really like the idea of having a say. Whether or not my weblog is popular, it is secondary. The main thing is that I get to go back in time and enjoy my own little space.
When I get lonely or in need of some ego boosting, I read my previous entries. They do crack me up and bring me back to that exact moment in time. As a proponent of self expression, I highly encourage those without to do start an online blog. Afterall, you should always do things that make you happy. Everyone else can go to pot. :D
But then again, I am one self indulgent lass. ;*
Monday, August 28, 2006
I am wimp !
And so, when the mood strikes me, I shall publish the previous post. Otherwise, it shall forever remain a Draft of my thoughts.
Weakening my resolve
Well, returning his things gives me an excuse to suss him out. To see for myself how he'd been these past few weeks. No doubt, I still have feelings for him but then it really is not fair for me to string him along. Afterall, how can he expect forever after when I am not sure if I'll be able to see beyond 40 ? Too soon, too much.
How I wish I'd met him 5 years from now. Maybe then I will be more willing to consider forever after with him. Babe, if you are reading this, I'd be dropping a text message soon to confirm any lunch plans. However, knowing me, I am probably too wimpy to follow this through.
I think it's time, don't you ?
Always yours.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Test, Fire !
I've been trying to update my blog but I think blogger's server is under maintenance. So, rather than I start screaming at my computer and banging the keyboard and flinging it out the window, I'd better make this short and sweet.
So I'll see you on Monday. Just in case the site is still a bit wonky. Have a fun weekend, ya'll !
Thursday, August 24, 2006
SECTION 4: Reward and Punishment
In the name of God,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful
59 "And O you in sin! Get you apart this Day! 60 Did I not enjoin on you, O you Children of Adam, that you should not worship Satan; for that he was to you an enemy avowed?—61 And that you should worship Me, (for that) this was the straight Way? 62 But he did lead astray a great multitude of you. Did you not, then, understand? 63 This is the Hell of which you were (repeatedly) warned! 64 Embrace you the (Fire) this Day, for that you (persistently) rejected (Truth)."
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I just can't smile without you
I will keep things short today. I don't want to compromise my reading time as lights out by 12.30 am. I've started on the second JM book and the story looks promising. =]
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Extra, extra ... Don't read if not interested
Good night and good bye.
Not forgetting the extra bags and dark tones under and around my pretty brown eyes.
Am I repentant ?
Nope, not yet. As of now, I will read and keep on reading anything and everything until my eyes expire. And that my friend, will not be until 15 years from now.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Fast Friends, Kiss out of Sheer Mischief ?
Hah. I'm biased anyways.
I was lucky the other day, having managed to snare 3 of JM's books from the Bedok shelves. I'm gonna be starting the 2nd of the 3 books tonight. Or maybe tomorrow morning ? We'll see. On top of that, I'm still saving that JM book I bought at the sale. Perfect Timing as they said has to be carefully planned and executed. Soon, my sweet. :D
Too excited to sleep but too bone weary to stay up all night to read. Plus, it's freaking hot ! I need a shower, otherwise I'd be tossing and turning in bed. And that is so not a pretty sight to be having at this time of the night ! Heh.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
11:16 PM
It's relative. It may be good for some and downright horrid for others.
I am for change, be it good or bad. I embrace the agony of not knowing if the change is permanent or temporary.
Time is ever now. Putting off things will always result in now happenings. To seize now is telling then to go do something anatomically impossible.
Spot the hidden message, yet ?
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Relief ? Hell, yeah !
We have managed to clear the renewal audit.
Support and belief.
Thank you for the hardwork and efforts, guys !
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Crank up another notch ~ Fever
My fault ? Not exactly. Excuse me, but who else bring their work home to do during the weekend ? (R, H, among others ?) And who else stays back late after work almost everyday ? Okay, aside from R and Ian and Dins and Net and H and my BBS, okay ... Okay ... I know everyone at my work place stays later than usual.
Not normal ? Not really. Imagine this, me packing up to go home at 5 and some kind soul (bless her !) commented, "So soon ? How come so early ?" Haha. Right. (Only when I've got a blind date, babe.)
All right. I am sounding a tad bit mental now. Okay. Breathe.
So anyways, the Book Sale was okay. I wanted to rant about the Kiasu-ism trait of my fellow countrymen but A) I don't have the time and energy and B) it's all been ranted before. So there really is no point in making a fuss, yeah ? For 2 bucks for all English Fiction books.
Got me 4 books and managed to get Net a book too ! Heh. I got me a couple of Michael Connelly and a book each from Fiona Walker and drum rolls ... Jill Mansell ! Yay ! Although I am trying my very best to not touch the book until, well the next weekend ! Much as I try though, I can't resist reading Net's book and guess what ? Finished it last night ! Really. *shakes head*
So then. Until the next book sale. I am still searching for cheap TMOA. Anyone got any lobang ?
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Polar ice caps ~ radiating heat
I will print out the amended documents and send them out for printing on Monday. After which, I'll try to retrieve all the rest of the manuals and replace all the outdated processes & procedures. My audit's on Wednesday ! If I screw this one up, hah ! I can surely expect my BBB giving orders for it to be handed over to someone else. Oh wells, at the very least I tried and if I fail, then I know it was just not meant to be. :)
I'm heading out to Singapore Expo after work today. It's the used Library Book Sale ! Yay ! It's on this weekend and I hope I can at least find some good reads (clue: The Mists of Avalon & Jill Mansell's). I don't know how much I will spend, though. Perhaps I should have a budget drawn up ? But then I'd be restricting myself ! Hmmm ... let me have a thought about it on my way over.
Lovely books, wait for me !
Friday, August 11, 2006
*phweet* when Staying at Daisy's
Hey. I am mentally drained. I really cannot think of what else to include in today's post. So rather than lapse into weird ramblings, I would say "Adios" at this juncture.
Night, people !
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Spider Solitaire
Oprah was a major help. It's just too bad that it's on for only an hour a day. Jamie Oliver was a revelation. And hot ! Man, that dude certainly can cook. Light Years still stink as when it was first aired oh so many years ago. Seriously, poly life was not that glamourous. At least not in my faculty, that is.
It is no wonder so many are hooked on the gogglebox. Aside from the escapism factor, it's so great to rot those still functioning brain cells. Huh. Not all it cracked up to be, idling your time away in the afternoons. Nap time, snack time, tv time.
Oh, hey. Look at the time now. 10 minutes to Lost. See you guys ! ;P
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
41 and loving it !
Every year, come the 9th of Aug, my sisters would congregate at my parents'. We do our own bit of celebrating the nation's independence day.
Mom would cook something nice and we kids would provide the snacks. We'd watch the parade on tv and ooh-aah the fireworks from the kitchen window.
This year was no difference. My eldest brought three quarters of her brood over and my youngest brought her new hubby to join in the festivities. And myself ? I went solo, as I did every year.
It's not time yet. But then, who am I to wreck traditions ? Keeping to traditions are great. :D
Happy National Day !!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Head Over Heels with Millie's Fling
I had a couple of those weird dreams today. Just before I wake up early in the morning and another one after my noon nap. Seriously, I think I need a head shrink. I am so close to losing it. Seriously.
On another "fun" related news. I am soooooooo in love with Jill Mansell's writing style. Why didn't I discover her any earlier ??? I've just finished my second book from her in a day ! I literally cannot put it down. Hence, I decided to ditch the office yesterday. Again I say, my intentions were pure, to finish my work but books are my weakness. Especially good, quirky writing styles. If everything in my life goes to pot, I know I'd always have my books. Insane people do read, you know. :D
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Scream loud-er
Oh. And I am 13 days away from the ISO renewal audit. I have yet to get all things done. Why am I not panicking enough ?
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Could be the last to know
My computer "almost" died on me. It's gasping for life and I don't really know what was wrong with it. Its flickering power light indicated that it doesn't have much power to put on a show for my delight.
I despair.
And requesting for help ! Technical support, where are you ?
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Not another backlash
I was just reading Sam's Zorpia page. Plans change, people change. At the very least, your outlook of life change as the years pass. One thing certain is the feelings you harbour. Sam's being his usual ranting self of extolling his strong feelings of dislike for his country of birth.
How many of us residing here are that vocal ? It's those silent, unheard voices that shows the staunchest support. Support for the apathetic way of life. We have no say whatsoever, just get on with our daily grind.
There are numerous weblogs out there, ridiculing the way Singapore is run. Everyone with their own conspiracy theories.
Then there are the ones who supports our idea of democracy. They are the ones who believe in the well-run public transport (even though the prices keep going up, and never down), health care services, the availability of work (and I still don't understand why expatriates are those who hailed from Western countries, whereas foreign workers are usually labels for Asians) and the good mix of Western (mainly American) idealogies firmly attached to our Eastern roots (like we have any say in it).
One thing is for certain. This country in its setting works. Maybe Sam will have a say in this post of mine. Who am I to compare the "greatness" of this city when well, the furthest I'd been is just across the causeway. Travelling the world opens up your perspective of the way of life of the other six point something billion people on earth. It's supposed to be an enriching experience, not for criticisms. Some may say I may not have known better, having never left Singapore for extended period of stay to wherever (like the proverbial frog stuck at the bottom of a well).
Yes, I agree. Limited in travel experience does not equate limited in knowledge. I for one do not want to go out to the big unknown just to tell myself, Sinagpore sucks. It's like cutting my nose to spite my face. Am I happy here ? Some days. Will I be better off in someplace else ? I don't know. Will I take the chance to find out ? Perhaps someday. Until then, let's just say I have roots here and other people (and cats) depending on me. For the time being, I am content.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Oh, yer of little fun !
And so here I am banging away on my keyboards. Bored to death. Nothing worth watching on the gogglebox. Too brain dead to read anything. I am just staring at the small, small monitor of my old PC.
Yeap, it's still going strong. Unbelievable what a little sprucing up of the innards can do to an almost 7 year old comp.
The plan was to go back to the office today. But then when you are not supposed to be on duty, the very chance of you (me) turning up is well, unlikely. To be honest, I'd rather spent my off weekends lolling about and having a bit of naff with him. I did the lolling bit. But he's not online now. Oh wells. I guess I'd probably see him online later.
Right then. I am done banging the keys. Crappy rendition of "Memories" on the radio. I can't believe how daft the station manager is. Playing other versions of the old classics. It almost made me want to switch over to the next station. And I just might if the station decides to change any of the lineup of deejays.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Don't sleep in the subway, darling
I can't believe that when I left the office early yesterday it was just for a cozy night with the double bed. My intentions were pure. I wanted to actually attempt to try to complete my outstanding editing job. Sad to say, the call of the wide mattress and cool breeze won.
I spent 3 hours blitzing through an old book by Jill Mansell. Old as in, it was published in 1998. If I didn't have to wake up and work today, I'd stayed up until I'd finished the entire book.
I just cannot resist it. It's a futile effort. It's almost like trying to hold your breath in. No matter how much you can hold it in, you eventually have to exhale and then inhale.
Scary thought, eh ?
Monday, July 24, 2006
Bellyful of D-U-R-I-A-N-S !
I guess, it's true then. A family of girls will always be comfy with an all girls situation. And the males ? They banished themselves to the outer reaches of the family unit. Case in point, my dad.
I guess if I want to make a change, I have to start with me. So, does that mean my guy must never, ever be a no-show ?
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Purging - I need you
Yesterday, at the lunch @ R's I realised, not everyone lives as slovenly as I do. Appearances are deceiving. Preconceived notions are not always advantageous.
And so I got to work.
Rearranging, vaccuming, washing and dusting of my room. There now, doesn't that look lovely ?
But then again, wanna bet how long this state of cleanliness will last ?
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
And ooh when we kiss, we could not stop
No one in the office wants my load. I sometimes think I should unload. Sadly, there are no takers. Fortunately (or rather, unfortunately) my social life has gone down the drain. Zilch. Zip. Zero. Nada. Nil. None.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Ole devil called work !
It's true that work will never finish, and that I need to prioritise the important and the urgent stuff. But then, every single piece that lands on my table are of the utmost importance and urgency. Tell me then what's a girl to do ?
Overtime like mad lah !
Okay, I am prioritising now, I need to pack up and leave. Well. Take care all. Talk soon.
Monday, July 17, 2006
And then they called me a B*tch
Many times I’ve stated that self-pity just does not become me. I am one woman who doesn’t do pity nor regrets. Most of the times, this statement fail me. I am too emotional by far.
Noxious and toxic thoughts bombard me once a day. Then I am crippled. I need time out. Time to sit quietly and try to suppress my demons. The ones who are always telling me the pitfalls of my life. Hah. I then have to sneak out like an evil-doer and sequester myself away from the rest. For I know hurt them I shall through my thoughtless words and careless ways.
Self-pity and/or regrets be damned. I seemed to be excellent in making foes than friends. But then again, what are friends anyway ?
Friday, July 14, 2006
Hubby is away
Spam. What can you say, they're everywhere. They are worse than TV Mobile. Eeks !
I wish as much I could play. De-stress these weary bones. He's gone for another trip out. Wonders never cease. He deign it fit to update me. Hah. Well, I'm glad he did. Otherwise, if I do call and he's MIA, I might just blast. But then again, what right do I have ? We are no more. :(
For the record, I did NOT open that email. I am not as dumbass as I may sometimes sound.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Junk the Dunk
As I was mentioning to R earlier, I've been putting out a number of little fires today. What with the SAT claims screw-up and the delay in obtaining approval letters, I was so overwhelmed that I felt like taking off and have a good venting out session.
I honestly do not seek to be irritated each work day but somehow, I didn't breathe in fast enough to clear out the negativity. So thank you guys for staying away from me. I don't mean to be a bitch but somedays I feel like one.
I will remember: Tomorrow will be a better day. :)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Make me sad, not mad
I am shaking in my cute pair of Power shoes.
Well, I did try to be less antagonistic. I am still trying.
Pardon me for my language skills. At the very least, I am not physically violent.
So there.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Zizou ... What were you thinking ?
Well, such is the world of football.
Losers and winners. Sinners and saints.
So. I need to crash. Barely could keep the eyes wide open. Loads of stuff to clear at work. Once a upon a time I was sitting quietly in the labs. Now, I have to make some major decisions. Like, when can we have the ISO 9001:2000 renewal audit.
Attended a really, hmmm ... How should I put it nicely ? Boring, time wasting, nonsensical meeting today. Maybe it was just me. Maybe it was the hormonal period again. But all the speakers were just
Ah wells. I hope we can achieve what we planned in the meeting. Hahah. I guess I hoped that it was not a complete waste of time and resources ... Okay.
I'd better end now before I get a letter from my company's lawyers. Have a safe evening y'all.
Oh. It's more like Hel, what were you thinking ?
Sunday, July 09, 2006
This mumbo-jumbo sayings
Although I must admit that it was kind of fun blitzing through the books. From Sandra Brown's Chill Factor to Julie Garwood's Murder List. Both dealing with serial killers. Well, I have a sick fascination with all things CSI-y and forensics-y.
Anyways, after Las Vegas tonight, I am gonna crash. Only to wake up a quarter to 2 am to catch the World Cup Final match.
Italy or France. Which blue is the fanciest of them all ??
Well, stay tune ...
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
I am so gone
Wishful thinking.
I am still at work. I am waiting for him to come and pick me up. I know. I should not be too dependent on others but considering the late hour and also how much he's "dying" to see me, so what choice do I have ? He suggested a nightcap at his place, I have to beg off because I still have to work tomorrow.
Which reminds me, I need to apply for leave ! Hah.
Oh, that's him calling. He will be here in 5 minutes. Let me just go wash my mug and then off I go ! Wish me luck, you !
Monday, July 03, 2006
Ohhh ... A little street in Singapore
It also made me think that now I have to be the one who shuts the main door should I be the last one to leave the living room. Weird, that with those thoughts, I am not the least bit feeling the loss. I can say for sure that I will definitely miss my sis. It's so unlike when my eldest got married. For one, she was stayng with us for about a year plus before she moved to her new place. With my younger sis, she just up and left. I never even got to say "Goodbye" and "Good Luck".
Yeech. I did promise so many posts ago to not wallow. I guess I did have to try really hard not to do that. Ah wells.
Life still goes on for those who got left behind. I'm thankful for the roof over my head, the food on the table, the clothes on my back and my rock. My parents.
I'd be absolutely insane if I didn't say I am thankful for them. You can choose your friends or your other half, but you never have any choice in your parents. I hope they do realise that I cherish them even though I may act quite the opposite sometimes. If there is more I can do to make them happier or less worried, I'd do it.
Shall be a quickie
Hey people.
Welcome to July ! Before you know it, a new year will begin. New day, week, month & year. New beginnings !
Friday, June 30, 2006
And he said, "I miss you."
First, to congratulate me of my sister's nuptials. Then he asked if I was free for dinner tonight. I said yes, but I didn't plan to have dinner at all. He became concerned and asked after my health and the 'rents.
His low, sexy voice almost made me break my resolve. It's been close to a month since we parted ways. Then somehow in the midst of our conversation, he asked if I'd changed my mind.
Coyly, I quipped if it's about dinner. He laughs (and I almost melted !) and said, "You know what about."
I've got so much to say to him. Like how I refused to wash my jacket because it retained his scent. How being snug in bed on rainy days made me want to dial his number and hear his voice. And that seeing couples made me long to have his torso wedged to mine.
How do I tell him all that and not be more than what we were ? And so, being a cowardly ninny, I said thanks for the wishes for my sis and that I will pass it along. I've got to run and clean the bathroom was the most decent excuse I'd come up with.
When all I really wanted to say was that, "I miss you too."
Thursday, June 29, 2006
And then there's one
The vision in question ?
Me, being the last lassie to get hitched in my household. Now, now before you brand me an old maid with five cats, let me just correct you.
I am but a young maid with five cats ! Notice the distinction ? Good, I did that on purpose.
So anyways, congratulations are in order for my youngest sister. Thank you for the past 23 years of you singly. May your marriage lasts and happiness follows you where you may be.
I love you loads. You know that don't you ?
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Dum-doo-dum ...
Hey, I know I am a few days late but, better late than never, right ? So we might not meet up tomorrow night, can we schedule another day then ? I just don't wish to meet up with the rest. So.
Drop me a text message if you happen to be reading this post before you leave for HK.
Have a great evening, y'all !
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Colour me red
This conversation was taking place in my mind at a very high volume. I guess my subconscious is telling me something I should heed. Or perhaps this is just something I'd conjured up for some kind of justification. I don't remember the exact details prior to this "shouting match" though.
Maybe I am just angry. This anger's happening to me almost too often these days. Was it because of an expectation too high or was it because I am just projecting something ?
Head shrinks, you tell me.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Don't stop movin'
What a day ! I have just reached home from work. My feet are aching, my eyes are tired and my brain feels like it's going to explode. I have officially pulled another 10 hour work day today. No other excuses other than the fact it's the first day of the new term.
New enrollees, teachers and faces. Interesting. So it got me thinking when will I spend a day at a new work place ?
Sunday, June 25, 2006
The emoticon that represents you best is
What's up, smiley? Somehow you just always seem to find a way to turn that frown upside down. Your upbeat attitude and friendly demeanor brighten up any room, including your favorite chat room.
Like your classic emoticon counterpart, you're a staple on anyone's list. Boring days and sleepless nights are far more bearable when you're online to chat. Whether you're shooting the breeze, catching up, or giving out advice, you can cheer up anyone on the other side of the conversation. So keep lightening the mood, making new friends, and bringing smiles to other folks' faces. After all, it's just so natural for you!
Leave me alone
For once I don't want to be bogged down by this inane, petty frictions ! Let me not be the middle person for once today ! Am I asking for too much ?? Anyways, I think this is more of a pity and regret entry for not providing that listening ear to Mom.
And now Bujang's going through another round of not being able to pass urine. I need to monitor and probably I might bring him down to the vet sometime next week. I'd probably ask for a little time off on Monday or Tuesday if things go well at work.
Right. Let me just state this for one and all (myself included). I don't do self pity and self regret often. This is just an abberation of the norm. Pardon me for this loss of self constraint.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Wet, soggy socks!
Let me re-write it.
I like walking in the rain and all but not walking in puddles and oodles of water !!! The pavements were (traffic watch speak) water ponding. The rain was so heavy that half my jeans was wet and my socks got soaked through. I walked with a squishing sound. People thought I was providing the sound effects for an alien crushing scene !
When I reached the office, I had to remove my socks and shoes and walk around barefooted on the icky carpet. You know, to switch on the lights and aircon and the copier. Eeeks !
I have an urgent need to pee and fill up my bottle but I dare not walk all over the place until my feet saviour arrives. Haha. I texted Mother a while ago to borrow a pair of slippers or sandals while waiting for my shoes to dry (Thank you Mother !).
I am still waiting for my jeans to dry. Cool air plus full bladder equals to unpleasant sight and smell.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Mad ... mad .... mad ....
You come in to work, go through the same routine of unpacking your bag and then you saw this.
Hey, something's not right.
I remember I did not open the pack, did not have the urge at all to get endorphins coursing through my system.
We have a rat situation in the office ? But, the halved was too perfect to have a ferreting murine species here. Well, I guess it had to be a homo sapien who did the helping.
The opened side of the packet was folded but then the trail of ants meant it was not resealed.
People, have the decency to finish the stuff you take from someone else's table. Then leave a note to inform or if you can't finish it off, please, at least have the courtesy to seal all sweet, sugary stuff or keep it in the fridge ! And now, I have to content with the ants situation.
Thanks for nothing, yeah ?
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Everything reminds me of you
I kind of like walking in the drizzle. I would see everyone else scurrying to open their brollies like lush fungi after the rain.
But me ?
I like walking in the rain.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Fruit Mentos
Oh, wells. I've always been the goody girl. And the irony was that I looked like the goody girl in my purple baju kurung. Well, looks are indeed deceiving, no ?
I'm hitting the sack early tonight to wake up at 3 am to watch the Swedes trash the English (rubs hands gleefully). Setting the alarms and off to beddy-bed I go now !