silentscream Search

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Polar ice caps ~ radiating heat

For the past 3 hours, I'd been busy at work editing the QMS Manual. It's going well. Thank goodness I've managed to clear my STP processing before I knock off work yesterday. Small miracles, I'll take them all.

I will print out the amended documents and send them out for printing on Monday. After which, I'll try to retrieve all the rest of the manuals and replace all the outdated processes & procedures. My audit's on Wednesday ! If I screw this one up, hah ! I can surely expect my BBB giving orders for it to be handed over to someone else. Oh wells, at the very least I tried and if I fail, then I know it was just not meant to be. :)

I'm heading out to Singapore Expo after work today. It's the used Library Book Sale ! Yay ! It's on this weekend and I hope I can at least find some good reads (clue: The Mists of Avalon & Jill Mansell's). I don't know how much I will spend, though. Perhaps I should have a budget drawn up ? But then I'd be restricting myself ! Hmmm ... let me have a thought about it on my way over.

Lovely books, wait for me !

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