silentscream Search

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Mad ... mad .... mad ....

Imagine this.

You come in to work, go through the same routine of unpacking your bag and then you saw this.

Hey, something's not right.

I remember I did not open the pack, did not have the urge at all to get endorphins coursing through my system.

We have a rat situation in the office ? But, the halved was too perfect to have a ferreting murine species here. Well, I guess it had to be a homo sapien who did the helping.

The opened side of the packet was folded but then the trail of ants meant it was not resealed.

People, have the decency to finish the stuff you take from someone else's table. Then leave a note to inform or if you can't finish it off, please, at least have the courtesy to seal all sweet, sugary stuff or keep it in the fridge ! And now, I have to content with the ants situation.

Thanks for nothing, yeah ?

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