silentscream Search

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Head Over Heels with Millie's Fling

Some serious sh!t is happening inside my head. I've been having some strange dreams. Dreams that are too risque to mention in my posts. I don't remember much of the details but the highlights of the dreams are just too glaring to ignore.

I had a couple of those weird dreams today. Just before I wake up early in the morning and another one after my noon nap. Seriously, I think I need a head shrink. I am so close to losing it. Seriously.

On another "fun" related news. I am soooooooo in love with Jill Mansell's writing style. Why didn't I discover her any earlier ??? I've just finished my second book from her in a day ! I literally cannot put it down. Hence, I decided to ditch the office yesterday. Again I say, my intentions were pure, to finish my work but books are my weakness. Especially good, quirky writing styles. If everything in my life goes to pot, I know I'd always have my books. Insane people do read, you know. :D

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