silentscream Search

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Spider Solitaire

I have always wondered how the other workforce, well ... work. I must admit, it was such an eye opener. Of all the ways to whittle away the time while maintaining your sanity and a few brain cells.

Oprah was a major help. It's just too bad that it's on for only an hour a day. Jamie Oliver was a revelation. And hot ! Man, that dude certainly can cook. Light Years still stink as when it was first aired oh so many years ago. Seriously, poly life was not that glamourous. At least not in my faculty, that is.

It is no wonder so many are hooked on the gogglebox. Aside from the escapism factor, it's so great to rot those still functioning brain cells. Huh. Not all it cracked up to be, idling your time away in the afternoons. Nap time, snack time, tv time.

Oh, hey. Look at the time now. 10 minutes to Lost. See you guys ! ;P

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