silentscream Search

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Shop, shop, shop !

What a day ! What a night !

Let's just say, I had the best day in like so many months. As mentioned in the previous post, I started work early and office hours ended at half past midday. My plan was to go down to Holland V with my mom to scout around for an outfit to the Staff Dinner. Mom plead ill and so I went with Mother and Ian.

We had a blast ! Ian got him a couple of dressy shirts and Mother got her a pair of pants and skirt. Me ? I had the biggest haul ! A blowsy skirt for the dinner. Top it with a nice, white long-sleeved round necked and a jacket which was dark blue with white polka dots. Accessorised with lodestone and crystal blue beaded necklace and matching dangly earrings and my scruffy boots ! My pride and joy !

I also got me a couple of pairs of "home" shorts, work pants and get this, a pseudo afghan sweater. If I had been a little bit splashy, I would have gotten a red turtle-necked afghan sweater that just scream "Flashy!".

I had fun trying out the different skirts and dresses. Haha. To think I used to scoff at the very idea of wearing dresses. I was most definitely happy with the positive responses I received when I arrived at the restaurant with Y. You can say I was preening and loving the feel of the silky skirt on my bare legs. I think I might have been prancing about a little too much just to see the skirt move. Lovely.

The reason for the dressy affair was because I received my 5 year long service award. Haha. It's been 5 years since I started at SFMS as a lowly lab tech. Now look where I can be now. I am really thankful to my bosses for their confidence in my abilities. I didn't get to make a speech though there were a number of people whom I would thanked who had the presence of mind to allow me to grow. It was never easy but giving certain responsibilities can really test a person's mettle. I am glad I was able to provide a little help. :D

I know, I am writing a little too much for a really early morning post. I hope none of you had fallen asleep !

So anyways, I will try to get hold of some pix of earlier from R and R and link up here. Given the fact that I am rambling on now, I'd better sign off now. The effects of the walk from RELC to Forum is finally rearing its head, even after an extreme ice blended. I guess the adrenaline level is plummeting really fast and before I crash and bled out, Good night and Good luck !


Happy Teacher's Day to all my teacher friends and colleagues. I hope you guys have had as much fun as I did this year ! *beams*

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