silentscream Search

Monday, July 03, 2006

Ohhh ... A little street in Singapore

I was walking towards the lift landing when I had this thought. The fact is that I'm always gonna be the last person to arrive home, no matter the time.

It also made me think that now I have to be the one who shuts the main door should I be the last one to leave the living room. Weird, that with those thoughts, I am not the least bit feeling the loss. I can say for sure that I will definitely miss my sis. It's so unlike when my eldest got married. For one, she was stayng with us for about a year plus before she moved to her new place. With my younger sis, she just up and left. I never even got to say "Goodbye" and "Good Luck".

Yeech. I did promise so many posts ago to not wallow. I guess I did have to try really hard not to do that. Ah wells.

Life still goes on for those who got left behind. I'm thankful for the roof over my head, the food on the table, the clothes on my back and my rock. My parents.

I'd be absolutely insane if I didn't say I am thankful for them. You can choose your friends or your other half, but you never have any choice in your parents. I hope they do realise that I cherish them even though I may act quite the opposite sometimes. If there is more I can do to make them happier or less worried, I'd do it.

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