silentscream Search

Friday, June 30, 2006

And he said, "I miss you."

He called.

First, to congratulate me of my sister's nuptials. Then he asked if I was free for dinner tonight. I said yes, but I didn't plan to have dinner at all. He became concerned and asked after my health and the 'rents.

His low, sexy voice almost made me break my resolve. It's been close to a month since we parted ways. Then somehow in the midst of our conversation, he asked if I'd changed my mind.

Coyly, I quipped if it's about dinner. He laughs (and I almost melted !) and said, "You know what about."

I've got so much to say to him. Like how I refused to wash my jacket because it retained his scent. How being snug in bed on rainy days made me want to dial his number and hear his voice. And that seeing couples made me long to have his torso wedged to mine.

How do I tell him all that and not be more than what we were ? And so, being a cowardly ninny, I said thanks for the wishes for my sis and that I will pass it along. I've got to run and clean the bathroom was the most decent excuse I'd come up with.

When all I really wanted to say was that, "I miss you too."

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