silentscream Search

Monday, October 09, 2006

Blue canvasses

What a no-brainner.

I bet you my left nut they were bitching about me. Well, not all about me, of course. I am not egoistical like that. And no, I don't have any nuts, of any kind as I am writing this. So there, I know. Come on, how obvious can people get ? Closed door, the who's who converging in one enclosed space. I must be nuts not to think some cookout story is about to come out.


I am paranoid. Check. Discussion of the haze. Check. Photo taking glory. Check.

Somehow, it just revolves on the fact that she's right and everybody else be damn. So. Whatever. All I know is that before long, another newly imposed policy will be hanging on our door. It happened to R, and I bet you my right nut that partial oversight was not even partitioned to them. But, whatever right ? As long as we are made to look like shit. And inefficient. As always, we are the inefficient ones.

Long hours in the office ? We are inefficient. Avoidable mistakes ? We are inefficient. Not standing around chit-chatting ? We are inefficient. If efficiency is our motto, we would leave work late anyway, after spending 2 hours bitching aka coffeeshop sessions.

So there. I ranted. My blog, my prerogative. But then again, with or without me writing, I get bitched anyways. But, whatever right ? Who gives a shit, eh ?

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