silentscream Search

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Junk the Dunk

I was mad today. I can feel my anger rising, about to blow at an unsuspecting fella. Factors contributing to this are numerous to mention. I hope never to have this feeling, at least at this high a level today.

As I was mentioning to R earlier, I've been putting out a number of little fires today. What with the SAT claims screw-up and the delay in obtaining approval letters, I was so overwhelmed that I felt like taking off and have a good venting out session.

I honestly do not seek to be irritated each work day but somehow, I didn't breathe in fast enough to clear out the negativity. So thank you guys for staying away from me. I don't mean to be a bitch but somedays I feel like one.

I will remember: Tomorrow will be a better day. :)

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