silentscream Search

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Saturday, I'm in love !

Or rather, in pain.

Love and pain comes together. We have always done some things that had caused us pain. Be the pain physical or emotional, we need the sado-masochism to survive. Many a times we find that we are incomplete if we have total bliss.

With that joy, we will know the drop in feeling will arrive, be it sooner or later. That is how the human body works. We have our highs when the feel good hormones course through our blood vessels, affecting both the cells and nervous system. Then once the feel good hormones get used up, we fall. Down low, so low that some times we have the tendency to think of weird, self pitying thoughts.

Case in point, me.

So PMS is the major cause of the moodiness ? Wrong. It's mainly how the people around you behave that contributes to the major cow-like behaviour. I will be the first to say that how bad (or good) I act is dependent on the crowd around me at the moment. So.

Three words for this weekend:


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