silentscream Search

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I sleep, I dream

My fav cuzzies came over last evening. I was hooked on my Korean Drama on Ch U when I heard footsteps along the corridor. Arggh ... Just another half hour to go. No matter, they were cool, so I didn't mind much. Heh.

They stayed, ate and chatted until about 11 pm. Nice, eh ? I like the night visits because people has the tendency to stay for quite a bit to catch up.

I know, I gotta sleep soon. But not before I send an SMS over to Dins. She's making her way to the airport at this mo to catch her 6 am flight to the US. Not so bad, eh ? But don't forget it's to the US and usually the check in time must be at the very least 2 hours before take off. She's off to an exchange work do thingy. I'm so gonna miss her loads !

Have a safe journey, girl ! Enjoy and see you back in 2 weeks !

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