silentscream Search

Sunday, September 24, 2006

No way to treat a lady

I'm not a complainer. I've learn to tough it up whenever I hurt. Even when I'm sick I refuse to take something for the pain. Right now my stomach's kinda going through a broiler. It could partly be the menstrual cramps and partly because of the junk I ate and also in part because I went off food today. Weird, huh ?

I looked over to my right, longingly at my mattress. But everytime I lie down, I am wracked from the sharp pains of my abdominal wall. I rub my tummy and the hurt disappears until I stopped the circular motions.

I never used to have any pains. I go through the monthlies relatively without any incidents or accidents. My hormones are out of whacked this month ? Perhaps.

Ah, mans. Perhaps the old remedy of hot water bottle will help. Wish me luck, guys.

Happy breaking fast, all !

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