silentscream Search

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bust up

I had a bit of a bust up with H. I was really pissed initially. Then he got pissed and so we let each other cool down. Then I heard from JS that he had spoken to IP, or rather complain to him.

Therefore, I had only a couple of choices. To let this fester and spoil our working relationship or to get it cleared up.

I chose the latter. Was I glad that I apologise first ? Yes. I was damn glad the misunderstanding got cleared up. It would be a damn shame if we ceased being good working pals.

Okay ... I'm really knacked out now. Went jalan-jalan with Mother and Y to Chinatown, hoping to get some cheap toiletries. I just ended up drooling over some cool shoes in Metro and a bottle of Green Tea Shampoo to show for all the walk-about.

Oh, not to mention missing my episode of Prison Break. Ahhh ... Wentworth Miller. Hot !

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