silentscream Search

Friday, December 15, 2006

He's walking away

The one person whom I think is going to stay on forever had surprised me. He ups and leaves. I tried to think if it's because of issues at work, and I can't get my mind round it. He is afterall the blue-eyed boy in the company. And he ups and leaves.

Is there no loyalty left in this world ? Does the money issue always have to come into the equation ?

I believe in personal happiness and gratification. If you think you will be happier or that the grass is greener on the other side, then do it. Just do it. With a sense of purpose and bounce in your step, you have to live your life as you want it to be.

Just be happy with the decision you have made. Best of luck. And gooodbye, H. You've been a pal at work. :D

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