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Friday, September 08, 2006

I roll the dice but never show my hand


That was some badminton game I had with Mr G. It got my heart pumping and my muscles flexing. All in all it was a great evening, to end an ordinary day. I finally found out what mini tennis was all about. Playing against Y was no easy task. Although it would be great if more of my work mates could join us for half an hour or so.

We (Y, R & R) started at about 1745 and played for about half an hour before Mr G came back from Changi and joined us. Towards the end, H joined us for a game of table tennis. Before we realised it, the time had gone quarter past 7 ! What a workout for the heart ! I wish, we could have this organised more often as participation in recreational sports would really be a good lesson in camaraderie among staff.

Afterall, part of the perks of working in a school is to be able to utilise some of the sports facilities. Perhaps another time we could have a game of pool or even have a swimming session at Mother's pool !

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