silentscream Search

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Oh, yer of little fun !

I am sure feeling frisky tonight. He's still out of town and will only be back the week of National Day. He's always good fun to get those pesky hormones in check. Ah, how I miss him so.

And so here I am banging away on my keyboards. Bored to death. Nothing worth watching on the gogglebox. Too brain dead to read anything. I am just staring at the small, small monitor of my old PC.

Yeap, it's still going strong. Unbelievable what a little sprucing up of the innards can do to an almost 7 year old comp.

The plan was to go back to the office today. But then when you are not supposed to be on duty, the very chance of you (me) turning up is well, unlikely. To be honest, I'd rather spent my off weekends lolling about and having a bit of naff with him. I did the lolling bit. But he's not online now. Oh wells. I guess I'd probably see him online later.

Right then. I am done banging the keys. Crappy rendition of "Memories" on the radio. I can't believe how daft the station manager is. Playing other versions of the old classics. It almost made me want to switch over to the next station. And I just might if the station decides to change any of the lineup of deejays.


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