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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Not another backlash

I am still trying to get used to viewing my page with this baby. Feedback, please.


I was just reading Sam's Zorpia page. Plans change, people change. At the very least, your outlook of life change as the years pass. One thing certain is the feelings you harbour. Sam's being his usual ranting self of extolling his strong feelings of dislike for his country of birth.


How many of us residing here are that vocal ? It's those silent, unheard voices that shows the staunchest support. Support for the apathetic way of life. We have no say whatsoever, just get on with our daily grind.

There are numerous weblogs out there, ridiculing the way Singapore is run. Everyone with their own conspiracy theories.

Then there are the ones who supports our idea of democracy. They are the ones who believe in the well-run public transport (even though the prices keep going up, and never down), health care services, the availability of work (and I still don't understand why expatriates are those who hailed from Western countries, whereas foreign workers are usually labels for Asians) and the good mix of Western (mainly American) idealogies firmly attached to our Eastern roots (like we have any say in it).

One thing is for certain. This country in its setting works. Maybe Sam will have a say in this post of mine. Who am I to compare the "greatness" of this city when well, the furthest I'd been is just across the causeway. Travelling the world opens up your perspective of the way of life of the other six point something billion people on earth. It's supposed to be an enriching experience, not for criticisms. Some may say I may not have known better, having never left Singapore for extended period of stay to wherever (like the proverbial frog stuck at the bottom of a well).

Yes, I agree. Limited in travel experience does not equate limited in knowledge. I for one do not want to go out to the big unknown just to tell myself, Sinagpore sucks. It's like cutting my nose to spite my face. Am I happy here ? Some days. Will I be better off in someplace else ? I don't know. Will I take the chance to find out ? Perhaps someday. Until then, let's just say I have roots here and other people (and cats) depending on me. For the time being, I am content.

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