silentscream Search

Monday, July 10, 2006

Zizou ... What were you thinking ?

And so we all know which blue emerged the world champions of football (soccer to all you Americans !). Hey, can't say I am surprised. From the minute Brazil was discarded by the Le Bleus, I know the Azzuris stand an incredible chance of becoming the winner.

Well, such is the world of football.

Losers and winners. Sinners and saints.

So. I need to crash. Barely could keep the eyes wide open. Loads of stuff to clear at work. Once a upon a time I was sitting quietly in the labs. Now, I have to make some major decisions. Like, when can we have the ISO 9001:2000 renewal audit.

Attended a really, hmmm ... How should I put it nicely ? Boring, time wasting, nonsensical meeting today. Maybe it was just me. Maybe it was the hormonal period again. But all the speakers were just pompous asses trying to state that they do the most important work. Half the time I was wishing I was clearing my work then to be stuck there. Two bloddy hours burnt just like that.

Ah wells. I hope we can achieve what we planned in the meeting. Hahah. I guess I hoped that it was not a complete waste of time and resources ... Okay.

I'd better end now before I get a letter from my company's lawyers. Have a safe evening y'all.

Oh. It's more like Hel, what were you thinking ?

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