silentscream Search

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Bushed. Whacked.

Oh my sweetness. I am absolutely shattered ! Exhausted, weary to the tips of my toes.

Yeah, that's because I've been walking about Orchard Road today. With the mom, elder sis and the 2 eldest nieces.

The main excuse ? To buy new Hari Raya heels for the sis and nieces. I was also planning to get a belated pressie for Aaliyah and scout around for something nice for Kav. First stop was to Taka, hoping to spend my vouchers.


HELL ! Expensive items, even my sis was cheesed off ! Then we started walking, Lucky Plaza, Paragon, Far East Plaza.

Madness !

Dragging the poor nieces around like a sack of rice.

Decided to break fast outside but in all of our eagerness to get a momento for the day out, missed the boat and all tables were occupied. Disgusting, these people ! As a result, the mom was pissed. And sulky. Not helping are the nieces, especially Ayu. Eeks ! Put the fire out, pronto !

Finally we made a wee stop at Bugis Village. Nice place, my sis got herself 3 pairs of dangly. Nice, really nice.

Took a bus home and saw Geylang Serai was swamped with people. Hoardes of people walking about, albeit aimlessly.


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